Saturday, December 25, 2010

I've finally

come to see our political/governmental system and it's operators for what it really is and what they really are.

it took me long enough, but I've finally awakened to the horrors of this so-called "Establishment".

they're cold, cruel, non-caring entities who really and truly DO NOT CARE whether or not the average American taxpayer lives or dies in the streets as a pauper. all that is important is they receive what they're demanding.

when i say "government"...i'm referring to government at ALL levels. right from the presidency of the United States right down to the lowest paid custodian or laborer at municipal level.

we watch politicians stand at podiums giving lofty, patriotic speeches about how much they care about this country and it's citizenry in their bid for election/re-election to a political post or position they're running for. (what's an irony about MOST of them, too, is that most have never served in the armed forces of this country. it seems to be considered to be, somehow, sociably unacceptable to have been in the military amongst many if not most political circles nowadays. yet it seems acceptable to have been a drug user or dealer, convicted felon or political dissident to the point of being connected with terrorist organizations such as the black panthers or the nation of islam.) and somehow become so enamored with them we lose all concept of reality.

once these persons are installed and have been at their perspective jobs for one or two terms, all that's important to them is getting re-elected and they become the victims of their own personal agendas and greed; we, in turn, the taxpayer are victims to them and that greed and those agendas! some 'shining' examples are Charles rangle, ted kennedy, barney frank, john kerry, al gore, nancy pelosi...the list is too long to continue but these are amongst the most notoriously abusive ones i can think of at the moment.

why does someone like nancy pelosi care about "benefits"? she is EXTREMELY WEALTHY and can afford health care and benefits beyond our wildest imaginations and abilities, on her own...why do we, the taxpayer, give her the best OUR money can buy? why do they get held in such high esteem? they're out to get your hard earned cash...make no mistake about it! they will stop at nothing to get it and call you names if you vote "NO" for their causes.

answer: we shouldn"t...

it's POWER OVER YOU AND I that matters to the likes of her and her ilk. that's what really matters to them.

if you've followed politics at all you will have, no doubt, have heard or read the statistics about government employees and their pay and benefits; they receive much better pay and benefits than do the average workers in the private sector of the American economy. some of the statistics are staggering. such as how many federal government employees make more than $100,000.00 per year as compared to the private sector. along with that go nothing but the best in medical and health care coverage and liberal vacation/holiday allotments and a seemingly obscene retirement package.

congressmen and senators need serve but ONE term in office to receive full retirement benefits where the average American has to work 20, 30, 40, 50 years or even all their lives to collect any sort of retirement benefit.

well, to me, and it should be to you, too, it makes me wonder what's going on in that these extravagances are at OUR expense! all a person need to do for a fat, secure retirement is serve ONE TERM in the house or senate. (that may not be easy and I'll concede that point in that a person has to work hard to become an elected official.)

now, let me see if i have this right: we elect THEM to extort taxes from US to fund their extravagant retirements and we pay into our meager social security funds as well as support illegal aliens, and other select recipients, from that same benefit. we are FORCED BY LAW to pay into and when it comes time to collect benefits, WE have to jump thru hoops to get them...and some times persons are denied for petty reasons. all the while you and i are working, we pay for our health and medical benefits we receive, we also pay for the illegal alien and their children who are drawing health, welfare and educational benefits AND our elected officials PLUS WE ARE FORCED TO PAY INTO THE SOCIAL SECURITY FUNDING. so we pay three times...or more, for what we may, or may not, receive.

many people, public officials included, scoff at us that rely on social security and call us names like leeches, beggars or like. well to them i say; i was forced, BY LAW, to pay into that benefit...i am now collecting it AS PROMISED BY LAW...

wow! staggering when you examine it.

we here in California now have a returning, career, politician who's biggest ambition is to increase taxes in one way or another to "bail out" a failed system...a system he helped to engineer. he and his administration will help to crush the now faltering population of taxpayers left out there that still have a paying job. i am truly astounded and amazed voters re-elected this bushy eye-browed clown after the debacle of his first term as governor a while back. he's openly admitted he's going to tax us into oblivion...

it's not like we are "rich"...but they seem to think everyone out here in the land of the working man make hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly and can afford to be taxed heavily...this dummy, Jerry Brown, says "the people want to be taxed to pull us out of this problem"...what planet is he talking about? can you answer me that?

basically, what I'm getting at is that we, the voters, have let government get out of control.

we, through negligence and apathy, have allowed them to make rules that they PERSECUTE US BY...why should a government be allowed to levy a tax, or make a rule/law, that will render a person, or persons, homeless or destitute? it happens every it or not.

let's say, for example, you become UNABLE to pay your property taxes, for one of many legitimate reasons, even though you OWN the house you live in...the county will eventually evict you to collect those taxes; likewise with the IRS and income taxes. they accept NO excuses and act without mercy...Oh, they say they will make exceptions and listen to you, but in the end, if you OWN ANYTHING AT ALL, THEY WILL NOT SHOW ANY CONSIDERTION OR MERCY!!!! that includes forcing you to sell the home you live in to pay them even if it's the only place you have to, and can afford, to live.

why do we allow these entities to become so strong????? they are supposed to be a "government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people"; they have become so strong and convoluted they're out of control. our founding forefather intended for an elected official to serve one, maybe two terms and then return to his/her community and go on with life, NOT to be a career elected "official". that's a key feature to make it a "government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people."

now, we, the voters, answer to them, NOT, they answer to us, the voter...that's a totally alien concept isn't it? would the founding fathers approve of the current governmental structure? i sincerely believe they would vomit if they could see it now.