if you don't believe me, just try to deal with governmental entities.
it's a very humbling and exasperating experience. you see what these entities believe about and how they treat the American citizen taxpayer...they believe we are nothing more than a source of revenue and are treated with contempt beyond belief by so-called 'public servants'. something to be destroyed if it no longer generates a revenue.
these entities have no care, compassion or thoughtfulness in regards to their responsibility to the taxpayer. are they not supposed to be "for the people"?
the 'average' citizen is NOT an attorney who's studied the law(s) of this land but yet when dealing with these entities, they are expected to be, by those he has to deal with that are in the entities, no matter the issue, he's met with the same old "you have to have this document filled out and submitted, along with a $50.00 filing fee" or something similar in nature, and you're expected to know all there is to know about the issue you're dealing with. you know..."ignorance of the law is no excuse."
in one recent incident, we were assessed a $45.00 "fee" for making a phone call to change a due date so we may make the deadline for payment to one notorious entity. what was so outrageous about it is the fact we were NOT informed of it until we got the demand in the mail! the agent i spoke to said NOTHING about a "fee" to make a change.
California's DMV is another shining example of such an entity.
from my own experiences dealing with this organization thru the years, i can truthfully say, I've come away, on MOST occasions, with a bitter taste in my mouth, a truly "lost" feeling and a loathing that has to be felt, and experienced, to be believed or understood. i can not recall EVER having a 'pleasant', LET ALONE AN 'ACCEPTABLE' experience involving the California DMV.
i believe the employees must undergo training in how to be obnoxious, overbearing and belligerent. i believe they must not have a personality at all, or at least, a bad one.
they must be given an award for being the organization with the most contempt for the citizen than any other in the state. although, in all fairness, it's difficult to single out one when you consider all the agencies within the state of California's stone-age government.
now, i don't know about DMV offices in other areas other than where i have done business, but there are signs posted: "anyone who uses foul, derogatory or inflammatory language, or makes threats towards a DMV employee may be fined, imprisoned or both."
that sign says volumes about those who posted it...why is there anger, foul or derogatory language being directed at them? why are they afraid? could it be because of what they do, who they are, what they represent? certainly, not truth and justice. nope...more like "gimme $XXX or I'll seize your bank account or your house...." is it really RIGHT, FAIR AND SERVE JUSTICE, to force one to give up a $10,000 automobile or even seize their bank account, garnish wages, etc in order to pay a $200.00 "penalty" or a "fee" they think they're entitled to?
i purchased a new truck for a 'retirement present' by the time i got rid of the truck, (for many different reasons; $120.00 for a routine oil change as an example) a short three years later, the registration fee had nearly TRIPLED for it! is it right for a state to RAISE fees as a vehicle ages and decreases in resale value? common sense and DECENCY dictate otherwise don't they? yet another example of perversion of "rules of common sense" by our so-called 'legislators'.
i wrote a letter protesting these outrageous fees to the head of the DMV. i cited a court ruling i had researched that said they WERE illegal and protested that nearly $800.00 was unreasonable to register a Ford F-250 pick up truck; i was informed, in return, that the fees were not illegal OR unreasonable.
these folks are NOT nice...they in fact are cold, hard, calculating, brutal, non-caring folks who don't really care if a person is ruined over a $73 dollar registration fee that they DID NOT owe in the first place. plain and simple, they have become what the "law" would call "extortionists".
there is a problem; a problem of massive proportion that exists now, inside of our governing entities, and is in dire need of change. we need to do away with or change, to a more positive, our 'collection' styled agencies. they need to have their teeth pulled as it were...they have become much too powerful and have gotten OUT OF CONTROL...period. they simply do as they wish...they should be stripped of the enormous power they have.
now, I'm not suggesting, nor do i advocate or condone a violent action, but rather I'm suggesting that we go to the ballot boxes and have these folks removed from power and replace them with persons who really do care and will render decisions and install rules and regulations that allow for compassion, understanding and justice AND meet with VOTER APPROVAL!
why is it so difficult for ANY governmental agency to accept the fact that their taxes are overburdening the average American, hard working, taxpayer? yet, most are demanding more and become really belligerent when voters say otherwise.
i think if you could lift the blindfold from the statue of the lady justice with the balance beam in her hand, you'd find tears streaming from her eyes over the perversions that're being passed off by our institutions as being "justice".
sorry, but if this offends you, too bad...the truth is always offensive to those who are lost.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
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