Sunday, November 21, 2010

it NEVER ceases

to amaze me!

just when i think "it can't get any worse" ... it does.

airport security here in the US has "tightened".

the TSA is now using full contact "pat down" and full view body scan capabilities.

meaning the person(s) conducting the search will be able to "feel up" anyone they so choose at their discretion; your 16 year old daughter, your wife or girlfriend or, be able to "see" what they look like by way of a scanning machine. legal experts have openly stated that what they are doing is clearly illegal and constitutes a FELONY if you or i were to do it.

disturbing? you bet it least it is to me.

that sounds pretty invasive to me. doesn't it you?

what's next? i for one, have a pretty dim view of what may be in the very near future if the current trend continue.

if the present occupant of the white house is re-elected, i believe it will spell disaster for these united states.

it's difficult for me to understand, and accept, that the last presidential elections were a result of reasonable, rational, thinking Americans. i think we witnessed "buyers remorse" this last mid-term election,though. maybe, just maybe...there might be hope...IF Barry is voted out next election. in my belief...he is NOT a good person.

anyway...getting back on track:

will we have checkpoints set up through the states? will we have to get a travel permit and submit a travel itinerary? will states set up border checks and require 'passports'? will private ownership of firearms be more heavily regulated or taken away? will all forms of communications be monitored? and even more sinister, will surveillance cameras be installed everywhere? where will we be able to have any privacy at all?

what will the cost of "security" be to us as a whole?

i was astonished, yet pleased, to hear judge Andrew Naplitano, fox news legal analyst, say: "Freedom is not lost overnite. those who sacrifice freedom for security will lose both."...that, my friends, is the crux of the problem...where does it end?

in the end, the question is how much freedom are you willing to surrender in the name of security?

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