Thursday, January 20, 2011

as i get older

my eyes are opened wider as to the scope and depth to which our governmental systems are due to be completely revamped.

there are not many ways to say how it is except, corrupt, evil, perverted, degenerated, dishonest and greedy.

now that may sound harsh...maybe even treasonous...but think about it. it's being truthful.

have you, or anyone you know, ever had to deal with any governmental entities? ask them to explain if they had POSITIVE experiences when dealing with them. i think it would be safe to say that few, if any, would have anything pleasant to say about their experiences.

I've discovered that most governmental entities do not care whether the people they are supposed to "serve" live or die and really DO NOT CARE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. all they re interested in is that their monies are the penny.

it does not matter to them if payment rendered to them will leave you penniless, hungry and on the streets and virtually no excuse is acceptable for not rendering payments to their demands (which more often than not, are unreasonable)

woe be unto you if you dare to contest're subjected to an array of paperwork, affidavits, forms and filings, interviews with people who have no personality or soul, and, often times, fees that make your head're made to feel like a criminal if you're just trying to assert your rights and collect your rightful due.

i read a recent communication from one entity informing the recipient that the only reason their request was granted was due to their good, past, record...NOT because of surrounding circumstances, beyond their control, that forced the person (or persons) into very bad situation where decisions had to be made that brought dire circumstances down on that person(s) due to no making of their own...and those decisions could literally have left the person(s) homeless, destitute, broke, penniless and on the streets...

the very fact that the person(s) made the decision to be able to have a home instead of meeting one of their demands was inconsequential. this communication intimated that the governmental demand should have been met instead of choosing to have a home in which to live.

in all...a very sobering and frightfully factual, not theoretical, situation that is being played out more often than one would ever imagine in this day and age. a scenario that should NOT be played under any reasonable circumstance yet very real and "reasonable" according to our governmental entities...why do we let it go in?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

i grow

more and more disgusted with each passing day over the whole political/governmental system we live under.

i know it's been said many times over that: "Our system is the best in the world. i wouldn't want to live in any other country."

i would not want to live in any other country...that's true...but i do believe our system could be purged and "tuned up" to be more "user friendly".

in other words: get rid of all incumbents and start over.

right now, we live under a system that goes something like this:

if you do all that they say and tell you to'll be OK...maybe.

run afoul of the system and woe be unto you. whether it's intentional or not. the system is not meant to be forgiving or understanding. all it's for it to penalize. and heaven help you if you are correct in your side of the issue.

you have to prove you are correct then you're penalized for being correct and having the gall to say you are. you'll have a dickens of a time proving your innocence even within the system. the system is NOT designed to be fair and "justice" is for those who can afford to pay for it.

it has also been said many times that one "cannot fight city hall" and win. that's true to some extent.'s also true that in the end we will win as the system will ALWAYS, in the end, melt down...the systems ALWAYS get so greedy they defeat themselves. they reach a point where taxes are more than the average wage earner makes; we're nearing that point.

don't believe it?

sit down and figure out the visible taxes you see taken from your paycheck: federal income tax, state income tax, FICA then start on the hidden taxes, fees and surcharges...gasoline taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes, property taxes, users 'fees' and's staggering at how many taxes we're subjected to. both hidden and visible.

where it's got of of control is the folk that are elected by the taxpayers end up adding taxes without the consent of the taxpayer at an UNFAIR amount. in my opinion, and rationality says that making one pay taxes according to "how much they make" is NOT fair. why should one pay more simply because they make more?

doesn't it make sense to assess income taxes by a flat tax instead of a "progressive" (i call this system "excessive") system?

as it stands now, the more your income, the higher the taxes percentage wise.

within that spectrum, the bible calls for a 10% tithe be given back to God.

with that in mind, NO ONE should pay more than 10% of their personal income no matter how much they make.

i recently witnessed one of our congressmen, Weiner, from New York, say that 55% of an inheritance tax for 5 million and over is fair...WHAT??? what gives him the right to even think about that??? and what was really stunning was his comment: "what makes you think anyone deserves to inherit that much?" truth, IT AIN'T NONE OF HIS BUSINESS, NOR SHOULD IT BE THE BUSINESS OF THE GOVERNMENT(S) HOW MUCH A PERSON INHERITS...PERIOD! it's elected official like he and Charles Rangel, to name just two, that cause our problems they're put into positions of power and immediately abuse that power.

answer me another question: why should the taxpayers foot the bill for pensions for governmental workers who've imposed such burdensome taxes on us? we shouldn't.

it's becoming more apparent at what a burden elected officials pensions are on the budgets...BILLIONS yearly go to pay pensions and health care for those that have served only ONE term and yet get lifetime pensions and fully funded health care benefits. that could be changed, it SHOULD be changed. why should the taxpayer foot the bill for someone like John Kerry's health care after they leave the congress? he's worth BILLIONS. he can afford his own health care. add up the number of those that have served in governmental levels and it's absolutely staggering...

folks...we need to get a grip! these folks are NOT our friends.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

yes...i've had 'issues'

with the IRS.

many, if not most of the taxpaying, hard working, citizens of these united states do have issues with them at one time or another during their lifetime.

now i know, understand and agree that there must be a tax system in place to pay for such things as fire and police services, public education etc.

my beef is that it seems that "they" have gotten out of control...what was intended to be a "government of the people, by the people, for the people" has, in the last few presidential administrations slid down the slippery slope of becoming a dictatorship and we're but a few small steps away from being one. at the moment, we are living in a police state, whether you like it or not and whether you realize it or not and whether you care or not.

think about it...every law passed at any level is designed to PUNISH or penalize a potential violator. and we, the taxpayer, pay men with guns to enforce those laws. those men have sworn they will KILL you if need be to enforce some petty, obscure, law that should never have existed in the first place. i shutter to think of the number of persons who have unjustly died from the bullets from police that at the end of the day will stand in front of a podium and solemnly swear that it was necessary after all...we cannot allow jaywalker to go unpunished...

anyway...i recently became aware of just how viscous, nasty, vile and downright evil some of our governmental entities are; namely the IRS. they have absolute, unrestrained power over you whether or not you know it.

they've been given the power, by our congress, by men like Charles Rangle, writing our tax "rules" to circumvent YOUR constitutional rights. they've twisted and distorted "due process" into to something sick and perverted.

you think I'm kidding? let's say, as an example, you may have been forced to make life altering decisions by this horrible economy, to make financial changes that are far, far, from normal just to survive...just to keep from becoming homeless and bankrupt and broke.

say you made the decision to withdraw from an IRA in order to pay off the home you live in because that IRA was dangerously nosediving right into the "ZERO" balance in the balance column. that IRA and your social security are/were your ONLY sources of income.

suddenly you find social security as being your ONLY source of income. now your creditors are coming down on you because you're no longer able to make payments. the amount of TAXES wit held from the withdrawal were obscene to begin with (well into the mid-five figures) and then you find that you still owe into the five figures more...keep in have only the meager $1500.00 a month benefit from social security that you worked for over 40 years and paid into, BY LAW, as your SOLE source of income now. do own the house you live in, right? WRONG!!!! the IRS puts a lien on it for what you owe fact the lien says "ALL of your property", quote, unquote.

you present all the facts, figures and documentation to support your position and their reply is: "We have to protect the interest of the US government to insure we can collect what you owe."

that, to me, is a serious flaw in our allow ANYONE to be able to render you homeless just to pay a meager tax bill that should not exist in the first place. especially in view of the hard economic times we live in.

have you ever been to an IRS office? it is an eye-opening experience. at least it was to me. we recently went to the Palm Springs, California office.

i would say it's much like a penal institution or possibly a morgue in the feeling and appearance when you enter.

the personnel have no personality and the surroundings are stark and bleak. there is NOTHING pleasant about the office or the people who work there.

the woman who waited on us was without feature, no personality at all...not polite, not rude...simply "Do you have a tax payment to make and do you have a voucher?"

upon presentation of the cashiers check for the amount owed, there was no response. when asked for a receipt we were informed that "I will make you a copy of the check. your canceled check is your receipt."

i am astonished that the American voter allows institutions like the IRS to exist. they are one of the banes of our civilization and should be eradicated, without mercy, just as they treat the citizens they are supposed to be "serving" are being treated.

these institutions are a threat to our very existence and should be dealt with accordingly.

the best way to deal with them is to vote out those who allow them to continue to be so powerful and to establish a FAIR taxation system. as examples: why should some one over the age of 65 who is retired and has an income of less than $40,000 per year have to pay any taxes at all???? that's very near poverty level by governmental standards. if they do have to pay taxes they should pay no more than 0.5% in ANY taxes at ANY level.

no honest, hard working taxpayer should pay any more than 10% NO MATTER THEIR INCOME!!!!!

wake up America! our biggest enemies are our elected officials! get them back under control!

yes...i've had 'issues'