Monday, June 28, 2010

i don't know about you,

but I'm really sick and tired of Sacramento and Washington, d.c.

you see, I'm a gun owner, hunter and shooting enthusiast. i am mostly into air rifles at the moment as it's not really very practical for me to do much shooting with firearms due to financial, geographical and legislative other words i can't afford to go where i can utilize a firearm more often than what i do to hunt/shoot.

California state legislature is now moving to "register" long guns. (long guns meaning: rifles, shotguns and carbines)

from what I've seen, read and heard, there is no problem existing with "long guns" as is related to crime issues. i believe it's a retaliatory, legislative move in response to the way the lawful gun owning citizens of California have responded to they way California has attempted to stifle the ownership of AR-15 style rifles.

California is one of the few states that are restrictive on the AR style rifles; most other states allow the AR's with few, if any restrictions on their physical looks and operating characteristics, such as a forward mounted vertical grip...removable magazine or having a flash hider or suppressor. the single largest operational feature that is controlled by most, if not all states, is fully automatic fire.

i agree with the concept of fully automatic firearms in the hands of the normal every day citizenry being controlled.

having used machine guns in the army, I'm aware of their potential uses, or should i say, abuses? full auto firearms should be used ONLY in MILITARY applications.

the "average" AR is no different, functionally, than many of the semi-automatic rifles that have been available for MANY, MANY, years to the public. they have a "military" look about them and that scares the bee-jeebers out of legislators!

in fact, if you'll turn back the pages of history a few years, you'd see that the public were allowed to own and use full auto up until 1934.

the infamous pair of Bonnie and Clyde were slain with, and they themselves, had the famous BAR...Browning Automatic Rifle. and you've no doubt, heard of the "roaring twenties"? well the "roar" was in part, caused by the famous Thompson sub-machine gun used by the gangsters of the era.

many of us veterans now, still alive, have used the BAR as well as the Thompson SMG so it hasn't been that long ago that they were still commonly known and used. the biggest reason they're not still commonly used is the advance in firearms technology that's prevailed; the gaining in popularity of the use of a "pistol" style grip being the most influential of all.

what is stunning, to me at least, is the blatant ignorance, or perhaps the arrogance, of legislators, is their ignorance of the similarities in function/operation that exist between an AR and the commonly available 'sporting' semi-automatic firearms. in fact, i doubt most legislators would be able to define what a flash hider's, or a muzzle brake's, TRUE function is. do you know what their TRUE functions are?

differences such as: the AR normally has a "pistol" grip with a removable, multi-shot (usually ten or more rounds) magazine and may, or may not have a forward mounted, vertical, pistol grip and flash hider or muzzle brake; while it's 'sporting' counterpart normally does NOT have a "pistol" grip, forward mounted vertical, pistol grip, flash hider and the removable magazine normally does not hold more than five rounds, yet is still as capable as an "AR" insofar as "firepower" ('firepower' being defined as being a rapid rate of semi-automatic fire in this case) is concerned.

there are a number of "carbines" available that have the same functional characteristics of an "AR" yet do not LOOK like an "AR", such as the Ruger P-series carbines. these carbines were, allegedly, made for law enforcement as a back up to their commonly used sidearms, but were widely sold to the public, too. they were made in the pistol calibers; 9mm, .40 cal and other manufacturers made them in .45 ACP. it's been opined that these carbines were discontinued because of their success as being a very good self-defense arm, NOT because they weren't any good. the Ruger P-series carbines also share magazines and ammo with the Ruger P-series semi-auto pistols which means a person, or LEO, can use the same ammo and magazines for his sidearm and carbine thereby eliminating the need to carry two different ammo's for two different arms. the main advantage, of the carbine over the pistol, being the range and accuracy factors (and the carbine will have more 'power' for longer ranges from the same cartridge due to the longer tube/barrel).

they are extremely reliable, rugged, easily maintained, easy to handle, accurate for intended purpose (that being define as being "combat accurate")uses commonly available ammo and powerful enough to be effective within the "self-defense" perimeter of neutralizing a personal threat effectively.

it must also be noted that there are many, many, sporting/hunting, bolt action and single shot, rifles available with "pistol" grips available, legally, in every state in the union; i happen to own two such rifles myself.

my point here is that: we must stop California state legislature...they must be ousted. their fear, paranoia and ignorance will turn us into a mini-dictatorship in the foreseeable future if we allow them to do it! their sick logic is depriving us of our God given and constitutionally given rights. if they get away with this, what's next? more than likely, freedom of speech and religion.

you don't think so? since 1900, there have been 56 million people die as a result of "gun control"...Hitler had "gun control"...Stalin had "gun control"...the Ottoman Turks had "gun control"...the Japanese and Chinese have/had "gun control"...idi Oman Dada had "gun control" ...what do they ALL have in common? you know the answer! or you should, at least...

if you wish to be a "subject" or better yet...a SLAVE...then allow what's happening to go on...if not...then you'd better wake up and do something about it...

there are all sorts of euphemism about this subject but i think one that's very applicable at the moment is: "only FREE men own firearms, SLAVES are not allowed to!"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

once again

I'm amazed at how some do not keep abreast on what's happening in our political world nowadays.

i recently had a conversation with a well educated (has a college BA)twenty-six year old, who's in a middle level managerial position in a well established business firm, who really has no idea what's going on today in our country as far as politics, legislation, or the direction the country is moving economically, socially or culturally.

i tried to make the point to them that it's now beginning to fall directly into their generations lap as to what direction the country will go, that they should pay more attention to what IS happening and what WILL happen if this administration is not stopped; we're headed right, head-on, into socialism.

that's right...Karl Marx and Vladamir Lenin would be proud of the current occupant of the white house and Nancy Pelosi.

in 1917 the Bolshevik revolution took place in Russia. a revolution that toppled 400 years of the Czars rule over them at that time the United States was a well established democracy/republic and, up to the last presidential election, still WILL crumble unless we, the people, take back our country!

look at Russia it any better off since the overthrow of the last Czar? was Stalin any better than Nicholas II? it has suffered dramatically under communism/socialism/totalitarianism/Marxism since those dark days of 1917.

china has undergone similar growing pangs but seems to be leaning to capitalism as a guiding force more so than Marxism. i was stunned when time magazine hailed chairman Mao tse tung as "a titan of his time"...they say it was warranted because he "brought china from the stone age up to nearly the atomic age in his life time."

yes...he did. but it cost the Chinese millions of peoples lives in so doing.

Cuba? just another example of communism/socialism.

this is not intended as a history of Russia, Cuba and China, but a thought to hopefully awaken the thinking and watchful part of us that know we are NOT headed in the right direction.

now, we all have something in common..."Health Care"

if it does indeed, work, i pray that we will not have to pay the price that others have for "Health Care"...the price? our freedoms. at this point, mostly financial gain. but that may lead to other losses.

I'm certain that if what's his name? the current "president", is re-elected, we're in trouble...deep trouble.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

the more i think about it

the more angry i become! EVERY American taxpayer should get angrier by the second!

these governmental, ALL of them, right down to the smallest township, entities have become so abusive it defies belief! they have the means to destroy lives, families, households and businesses and are unfettered in doing so!

we THE VOTING TAXPAYERS, have allowed them to get this by way of allowing them to pass the rules and regulations they have.

in this day and age, we live under the tyranny of the minorities and of oppression of governmental "taxation"...between those two issues, i sincerely doubt this country will survive much longer intact.

we have allowed these agencies that are supposed to "serve" the taxpayer to get so strong they're nearly beyond reproach now. THEY NEED TO BE REELED IN! period! no if's, and's and buts...

they no longer are in a position where they need your consent and approval, they simply DEMAND you pay...if you don't, no matter the reason(s) maybe, having gone broke, lost your job/income, a catastrophic life changing are punished, without regard, without caring, you have NO RECOURSE. you're told the home you WORKED FOR ALL YOUR LIFE TO OWN will be sold to pay a tax bill...a vehicle you have paid for will be sold to pay a tax you're unable to pay FOR WHATEVER THE REASON...NANCY PELOSI HAS TO HAVE HER JET FUEL TO COMMUTE DOESN'T SHE?

even when you are right, you're punished for being in the right.

I've had the terrifying experience to have to deal with county, state and federal tax collection entities and have been IN THE RIGHT and knew and proved i was correct... yet it took SEVEN years, a mountain of documentation, countless hours of accumulating documentation, time spent on the telephone being shuffled from office to office, person to person, agency to agency along with a number of letters to the governor to get the issue corrected in one of those instances; another issue took TWO YEARS and an equal amount of frustration, expenses, and an enormous amount of time driving to and from the post office, on the telephone, and providing duplicated documents and forms filled out and submitted and FEES PAID.

simply stated...we need to get rid of these entities! they are eroding and destroying American lives, families and businesses on a daily basis.

everyone knows, and understands, that a certain amount of taxation is necessary, and, acceptable, for police, fire protection, schools,'s reached a point now where taxes, fees, surcharges, whatever you may call them, are levied WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED and it's "pay up or else!"...YOU HAVE NO CHOICE! how much of your income is paid on in taxation in one way or another? direct or indirect taxes?

the taxation system is without a doubt right out of Karl Marx's "Manifesto"..."Let he who can pay, pay...the more they make, the more they pay..."

is that REALLY fair? why should someone who makes $250,000 a year pay 40% of that in federal income taxes? what's "FAIR" about that?

answer: "nothing"

paying a percentage may be fair, in the warped logic of a legislator, but NOT a progressive percentage...or if progressive, not so high. i believe NO ONE should pay more than 10% of their income for ANY amount they make.

i, as little as i make yearly, pay, between state and federal, income taxes, of 18% of my adjusted income; I'm no where near that $250,000 a yer tax bracket.

my, long retired 86 year old mother, with an annual income of around $24,000 yearly has to write checks to the IRS/state of California for income that REALLY "FAIR"? i think not! in my opinion ANYONE, retired, over the age of 65, with an annual income of less than $75,000 should NOT pay state or federal income taxes...or property taxes on a home, their sole and primary residence, they OWN OUTRIGHT...period! why should government(s) have the right to take away something YOU have bought and paid for out of YOUR pocket? reality...federal and state income taxes SHOULD be abolished. both entities initiate a lotto...once a month, one million dollars, tax free, prize and a 1% tax on ANYTHING sold from a store or commercial retailer/wholesaler.

i could go on for days about this issue but to what gain?

I'll end this blog by saying: we the taxpayers should make it a policy to select AT RANDOM, one politician, from EVERY elected/appointed office/agency in existence, on every level, remove them from office, strip any and all benefits, pay or compensations of any kind accrued or earned while in an appointed/elected office simply because of the misery and destruction they wreak on many of their fellow citizens by way of their "rules, regulations and taxation".

maybe, just maybe...the quality of those wishing to run for "public service" might improve.

I'm disgusted...

Friday, June 4, 2010

this is really getting

the point of being pathetic...this business about Arizona wanting to protect and enforce it's laws and LAWFUL citizens is definitely OUT OF CONTROL.\

but one good thing about it, the ignorant and stupid are at their shining best on this issue. they're showing their TRUE colors; they simply want the law(s) IGNORED in the favor of ILLEGAL immigrants.

the current resident of the white house has stated that the immigration laws are "broken"; how so? why won't he say what's "broken"? why won't he enforce the laws that exist until those laws that are "broken" are "fixed"? it's simple folks...he doesn't intend to "fix" ANYTHING! there will be another huge push for amnesty before this Novembers elections.

think about it...the morons who protest the enforcement of the law haven't really thought it out at all and what's really alarming about it is that many of them are supposed to be "leaders". what they're really doing is advocating ignoring the laws that they feel should NOT PERTAIN TO THEIR CONSTITUENTS. what they're really saying is "we're above the law" or "that does not pertain to us." what THEY are, is RACIST...they're usually the one that cry "racism" first aren't they? when they can find nothing wrong with the existing law, they fall back on a proven Hilterlian tactic of making a false statement, and when people are trying to defend against it, do what you want anyway.

they want desperately to overlook the fact that illegal immigrants are lawbreakers and have become an enormous burden on our economic structure to the point to where their numbers and the associated costs to support them and their related issues have aided in bring the state of Arizona, Texas and California to their economic knees.

yes they pay SOME taxes, sales taxes and related but NOT federal income and state income taxes...but let me ask you this; i am a natural born citizen, i pay federal and state income taxes along with hundreds of other unseen or hidden taxes, but does that give me the right to break a law and get away with it?

ANSWER: NO, i cannot get away with it.

this congress, these "protesters", and those who support them are a disgrace! they're too stupid to see what the TRUE issue is; they're blinded by their own prejudices and narrow mindedness. "racism" is NOT the issue! it's enforcing the law that is the issue...racism is forbidden by law...that IS the law...isn't it?