the more angry i become! EVERY American taxpayer should get angrier by the second!
these governmental, ALL of them, right down to the smallest township, entities have become so abusive it defies belief! they have the means to destroy lives, families, households and businesses and are unfettered in doing so!
we THE VOTING TAXPAYERS, have allowed them to get this by way of allowing them to pass the rules and regulations they have.
in this day and age, we live under the tyranny of the minorities and of oppression of governmental "taxation"...between those two issues, i sincerely doubt this country will survive much longer intact.
we have allowed these agencies that are supposed to "serve" the taxpayer to get so strong they're nearly beyond reproach now. THEY NEED TO BE REELED IN! period! no if's, and's and buts...
they no longer are in a position where they need your consent and approval, they simply DEMAND you pay...if you don't, no matter the reason(s) maybe, having gone broke, lost your job/income, a catastrophic life changing are punished, without regard, without caring, you have NO RECOURSE. you're told the home you WORKED FOR ALL YOUR LIFE TO OWN will be sold to pay a tax bill...a vehicle you have paid for will be sold to pay a tax you're unable to pay FOR WHATEVER THE REASON...NANCY PELOSI HAS TO HAVE HER JET FUEL TO COMMUTE DOESN'T SHE?
even when you are right, you're punished for being in the right.
I've had the terrifying experience to have to deal with county, state and federal tax collection entities and have been IN THE RIGHT and knew and proved i was correct... yet it took SEVEN years, a mountain of documentation, countless hours of accumulating documentation, time spent on the telephone being shuffled from office to office, person to person, agency to agency along with a number of letters to the governor to get the issue corrected in one of those instances; another issue took TWO YEARS and an equal amount of frustration, expenses, and an enormous amount of time driving to and from the post office, on the telephone, and providing duplicated documents and forms filled out and submitted and FEES PAID.
simply stated...we need to get rid of these entities! they are eroding and destroying American lives, families and businesses on a daily basis.
everyone knows, and understands, that a certain amount of taxation is necessary, and, acceptable, for police, fire protection, schools,'s reached a point now where taxes, fees, surcharges, whatever you may call them, are levied WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED and it's "pay up or else!"...YOU HAVE NO CHOICE! how much of your income is paid on in taxation in one way or another? direct or indirect taxes?
the taxation system is without a doubt right out of Karl Marx's "Manifesto"..."Let he who can pay, pay...the more they make, the more they pay..."
is that REALLY fair? why should someone who makes $250,000 a year pay 40% of that in federal income taxes? what's "FAIR" about that?
answer: "nothing"
paying a percentage may be fair, in the warped logic of a legislator, but NOT a progressive percentage...or if progressive, not so high. i believe NO ONE should pay more than 10% of their income for ANY amount they make.
i, as little as i make yearly, pay, between state and federal, income taxes, of 18% of my adjusted income; I'm no where near that $250,000 a yer tax bracket.
my, long retired 86 year old mother, with an annual income of around $24,000 yearly has to write checks to the IRS/state of California for income that REALLY "FAIR"? i think not! in my opinion ANYONE, retired, over the age of 65, with an annual income of less than $75,000 should NOT pay state or federal income taxes...or property taxes on a home, their sole and primary residence, they OWN OUTRIGHT...period! why should government(s) have the right to take away something YOU have bought and paid for out of YOUR pocket? reality...federal and state income taxes SHOULD be abolished. both entities initiate a lotto...once a month, one million dollars, tax free, prize and a 1% tax on ANYTHING sold from a store or commercial retailer/wholesaler.
i could go on for days about this issue but to what gain?
I'll end this blog by saying: we the taxpayers should make it a policy to select AT RANDOM, one politician, from EVERY elected/appointed office/agency in existence, on every level, remove them from office, strip any and all benefits, pay or compensations of any kind accrued or earned while in an appointed/elected office simply because of the misery and destruction they wreak on many of their fellow citizens by way of their "rules, regulations and taxation".
maybe, just maybe...the quality of those wishing to run for "public service" might improve.
I'm disgusted...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
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