Friday, June 4, 2010

this is really getting

the point of being pathetic...this business about Arizona wanting to protect and enforce it's laws and LAWFUL citizens is definitely OUT OF CONTROL.\

but one good thing about it, the ignorant and stupid are at their shining best on this issue. they're showing their TRUE colors; they simply want the law(s) IGNORED in the favor of ILLEGAL immigrants.

the current resident of the white house has stated that the immigration laws are "broken"; how so? why won't he say what's "broken"? why won't he enforce the laws that exist until those laws that are "broken" are "fixed"? it's simple folks...he doesn't intend to "fix" ANYTHING! there will be another huge push for amnesty before this Novembers elections.

think about it...the morons who protest the enforcement of the law haven't really thought it out at all and what's really alarming about it is that many of them are supposed to be "leaders". what they're really doing is advocating ignoring the laws that they feel should NOT PERTAIN TO THEIR CONSTITUENTS. what they're really saying is "we're above the law" or "that does not pertain to us." what THEY are, is RACIST...they're usually the one that cry "racism" first aren't they? when they can find nothing wrong with the existing law, they fall back on a proven Hilterlian tactic of making a false statement, and when people are trying to defend against it, do what you want anyway.

they want desperately to overlook the fact that illegal immigrants are lawbreakers and have become an enormous burden on our economic structure to the point to where their numbers and the associated costs to support them and their related issues have aided in bring the state of Arizona, Texas and California to their economic knees.

yes they pay SOME taxes, sales taxes and related but NOT federal income and state income taxes...but let me ask you this; i am a natural born citizen, i pay federal and state income taxes along with hundreds of other unseen or hidden taxes, but does that give me the right to break a law and get away with it?

ANSWER: NO, i cannot get away with it.

this congress, these "protesters", and those who support them are a disgrace! they're too stupid to see what the TRUE issue is; they're blinded by their own prejudices and narrow mindedness. "racism" is NOT the issue! it's enforcing the law that is the issue...racism is forbidden by law...that IS the law...isn't it?

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