Friday, February 11, 2011

i see we're

in another foreign crisis; the egyptian quagmire.

there's great concern about whether they will go the way of the islamic brotherhood or democracy.

it doesn't matter.

we should pull out of the middle east except our support of Israel.

it's really very simple...Israel is God's chosen nation/people whether or not the rest of the gentile world likes it or not. in the end...they WILL prevail.

egypt has been, at least, neutral towards Israel but has not really been a strong supportive ally.

we should not support, condone nor advocate the installation of any murderous regime such as has taken hold in Lebanon and the Gaza strip. where it is not our way of life, it is for them, unfortunately.

we have poured uncounted trillions of dollars into the mid-east only to have dictators like mubaruk and arafat to pocket billions of dollars for themselves. i recently heard a new report that said that he (Mubaruk) has amassed a personal fortune of 70 billion dollars; i personally do not want one penny of my tax dollar to go to them.

why? simple: oil.

we have enough oil to keep us going quite well and our congress will not allow us to get it.

again a simple answer: get rid of congress and get one who will let us get our own oil supply.

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