Thursday, August 19, 2010

i never cease

to wonder why the American voter has allowed the governments we are "governed" by to get so out of control. do you ever think about that? you certainly should. after all, WE, the voter, are responsible for the travesty that's now taking place at all governmental levels.

WE have allowed these bullies, thugs, self-centered, biased, corrupt 'leaders' to get away with trampling over everyone's rights...both right and left wing.

I'm convinced that most, if not all, of them, start out with good, honest, honorable intentions of doing the best, fairest, most honest job they can for their constituency. how else could an "honest" politician get elected?

that's not how most, if not all, end their public service. very few of them end their elected service jobs having been honest and having done the best job of their ability. it seems the longer they serve, the worse they become. some of the best (of the worse) examples could be said to be Nancy pelosi, ted Kennedy, chuck schummer, harry Reid, Barbara boxer, Diane feinstein just to name a few. most, when entering congress/senate are at a low income level, by the time they've been there for a few terms in office, they've amassed a do they do that on pay that's in the low six figure level? i witnessed one congressman state: "we, here in congress, are among the most wealthy people in the world"

basically...this country is ruled by the very it or not.

it's a fact, the constitution gives power to the congress to levy taxes and it's true that all Americans know and understand the need for a certain amount of taxation on all levels...that should go without saying.

but what's insane about the whole issue is that's it's now got to the point to where taxes are consuming the average working persons' income to the degree it cuts into their ability to survive. it's not from just ONE source that is the problem, it comes from all levels.

now, what's a "fair" way to tax, you ask?

in my opinion, the governments, on all levels, should have NO RIGHT TO TAX OUR INCOME! period...end of story; the "government" has done NOTHING to earn what they take from us, yet...try not paying your federal or state income taxes (there are some states that do not have a personal income tax in place, though) you'll be in a world of hurt! they will try to ruin you for life over a $10.00 dollar 'fine' they levied for your being late in paying a bill.

i use that as an example because that actually happened to me. the tenant i rented my house to, while i did a temporary relocation from that locale, did not pay the water bill on time and they tried to levy a $10.00 "late fee" on me (the bill was still in my name...big mistake on my part! never the less, it was the tenants responsibility to pay the bill as per our written agreement.)

when i called to pay the bill, i agreed to pay the amount due MINUS their "late" penalty; i refused to pay the penalty.

at the end of the year, when i received my state income tax return refund, it was "docked" from it! the city had levied it from my income tax return! i never received a written word of notification, a lien or any legal documentation whatsoever!

since then, I've learned of some of the devious things that governments do on ALL levels such as that.

one, being the state of Arizona, as an example: if a person owes back child support, they are unable to purchase a hunting license or have to surrender one if they have it.

another being the state of California (one of the worse state legislatures in the nation i might add. but geeeee...look at who controls it: 85% demoncratic and 70% of those are women demoncrats, most are very pro-illegal immigrant, homosexual, anti-God, anti-second amendment)

last year, an organization named calguns, an organization of California gun owners who've banded together to fight California legislatures effort to outlaw firearms, was instrumental in circumventing, LEGALLY, laws pertaining to "assault" weapons features that has so angered the legislature that they now have proposed "registration" of ALL long guns and shotguns now.

there is NO PROBLEM with long guns and shotguns in California as relating to "crime". if there were, it would be being broadcast and printed in all the liberal press and media sources here! that is to say that's it's not common to see a 7-eleven be robbed with a hunting rifle...the legislative move is simply a vengeful attack on firearms owners in response to being defeated on the issue involving semi-automatic "assault" style rifles/carbines. it's also another avenue to confiscate firearms when the time comes as the law (proposed) will allow the state attorney general's office to keep a list of all long guns and shotguns and who they were sold to. and last, but not least, it's a potential source of revenue for the state. after all, California is desperate for money on ALL levels.

governmental leaders are all aware of this but do not want to change it for fear of losing their's that simple.

my point here is that we have allowed GOVERNMENTS, at ALL levels, to become EXACTLY WHAT OUT FOUNDING FOREFATHERS FEARED, by allowing these legislator to remain in office, or to get elected in the first place.

i shutter when i think of Charlie Rangel writing tax laws! i still shutter when i think about Ted Kennedy...yet we allow this type to go on...and to prosper...AT OUR EXPENSE!

here's what i propose...not all that could/should be done, but a starting point:

1. TERM limit of no more than TWO four year terms for ANY individual, in ANY elected position in ANY location, in ANY governmental entity, local, state or federal level.

2. limit income and EXPENSE ACCOUNTS to no more than the average American working family's income of $100,000.00 per year would be able to operate on. in other words, require them to travel/stay at hotels on the same basis the average American family does.

3. require EVERY legislator and appointed judge, to be incarcerated for two weeks every calendar year. (to an unknown, undisclosed, highly secure location. this might instill some humility when it comes to passing legislation involving incarceration. the united states has some of the most extreme laws involving imprisonment on the planet.)

4. do not allow legislators to exempt themselves, or law enforcement/judicial/administrative from laws. if it applies to the "average" American, it apples to them.

5. ABOLISH any and all income and inheritance taxes. abolish all property taxes once the property is owned outright, free and clear, by purchaser and limit the taxes to NO MORE than 1%.

6. limit ANY and ALL taxes on ANY level to NO MORE than 1%. if taxation is done by percentage basis, do not allow the MARXIST basis ("let those who make more, pay more...") of PROGRESSIVE percentages to apply. contrary to contemporary beliefs in legislative bodies, the progressive way is NOT fair! think about it...

i could go on but i think I've made a point.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

in my opinion

for what it's worth, this country will not survive another term of Barry, what's his name? the person that's living in the white house?

I've heard it opined that "this president is too important, historically, to be allowed to fail."

what's that mean?

does it intimate that because Barry is half black? or is he half white?

"IF" Barry does fail will that reflect on black Americans? or white Americans? which will be blamed?

Barry IS a failure...period...he always was, always will be...he always was, and will always be Barry the drug dealer, Barry the community organizer...

oh, sure, he's (and his 'wife') been educated at all the best schools the taxpayers could put him through, but has he really been "educated"? not really...he's still in the 'hood'; you know..."i wanna be shootin' some hoops 'n' drinkin' a beer with da boyz..."

what really worries me is the fact that the American voters actually elected what's in the white house now! what were they thinking? what ever it was, i can say i believe they sure goofed up on this one and i hope we'll survive. we can't afford to have the likes of Barry in such an important position. we'll end up, as a nation, broke, so deep in debt we'll NEVER see the end of it, never be able to make enough to even pay our taxes as a "working person", let alone live 'normally' and become a third rate economic/political/military power.

it's fair to say that Barry is not the sole cause, or all to blame, for what's happening now, he's just where the shoe is falling at the time. but, i believe he will unseat jimmy carter as being the worse president in our history.

pure and simple...he should not be where he is...he's a Marxist/socialist determined to destroy our country as a viable, sovereign, independent, nation and relabel us as being a "global community".

that's my're entitled to yours.

Friday, August 13, 2010

it is my firm belief

the United States, as we once knew it, a FREE country, will, in the not too distant future, cease to exist as a united entity.

we are being torn asunder by our own congress, state legislatures and other 'special interest' groups within our own borders. the ACLU, planned parenthood, NAACP just to name a few.

current, and past, administrations have blatantly refused to enforce our sovereign borders, allowed minorities of all sorts, to become openly abusive to the majority, in fact they have encouraged it. don't believe that? look right within the walls of our own congress...the Black openly racist organization of black American congressmen and senators openly biased to the causes of Black Americans...if the WHITE members of Congress tried to form a group of WHITE congressmen, can you imagine the outcry from the Blacks and the left wingers?

it's not legal for a child to carry a bible to school or to pray aloud in school, or to wear a cross or shirt with the American flag on it, yet the Mexican flag can be openly flown ABOVE the American AMERICA, in an AMERICAN state, in an AMERICAN city, in an AMERICAN school...IT MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO A MUSLIM OR MEXICAN! oh, it's OK for the Muslim call to prayer to go out in public, but why not the ringing of church bells???

what's wrong with us???

I'll tell you what's wrong with us...we're a sick, sick country! we've let the left wingers, Marxists, like the current administration, push us around! we have turned our backs on God! that's right...i said it...we have turned our backs on God, as a nation.

oh, there's been up's and downs throughout our history, but nothing like now. just look around.

the era of the war in Viet Nam was the beginning of our end: "hell no, i won't go!", sex, drugs and rock and roll, burn the bra, civil disobedience ran rampant, the Watts riots, the Kent state incident, the founding of the ACLU and planned parenthood...the list goes on...

the Bible says that "in the end days, evil will be called good, and good will be called evil". one issue stands out above all in that context: gay marriage.

another is abortion. since R V Wade, over 40 million babies aborted and yet mankind is trying to clone humans...go figure. i agree with, and understand the concept of abortion in the cases of incest or rape. but, look at abortion in the cases of when a woman goes out, gets liquored up and has a wild night of sex without taking precautions? or is promiscuous? not only about father's rights? there are men who father children that would gladly take custody other than to have the child aborted.

another is the abandoning of Israel as an ally and friend by pressuring her to give away her lands and trying to force her to give away more; the Golan Heights. since George Bush pressured Israel to give up the Gaza strip, ATTACKS HAVE INTENSIFIED not diminished! how does he sleep at nite?

our course may be changed by us if we so choose. it has to begin by voting out the current administration and occupant of the white house and replacing congress and state legislatures with RESPONSIBLE, GOD FEARING PEOPLE. if we don''s "So long, America"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

there have been some

very troubling decisions made lately in our courts and legislatures.

one being the overthrowing of the voters decision, the approval of prop 8, on homosexual marriage in California.

i, personally, am not homophobic, nor do i support, advocate, or condone it; i am a firm believer in heterosexuality.

whether or not non-believers (atheists) like it or not, there is a God. an almighty God who does NOT approve of homosexuality. that's why the anti-God crowd push for "hate speech" legislation. God does say that those who REPENT are forgiven; as it does apply to all sinning.

I'm not going to quote it for yourself.

history has shown that all cultures and civilizations who openly embrace, advocate and condone homosexuality decline it or not. that's not ALL the reason(s) but it certainly falls in to place in the demise of them.

it's been pointed out that some of the most notable peoples in history were steeped in homosexuality, notably the Trojans, the Spartans, Alexander the great and many within the ranks of the Roman legions; it's also a fact that it was advocated due to the lack of women on long campaigns. the leaders of the time knew and understood that their often times 14, 15, 16 year old soldiers were also battling hormones.

it seems very odd to me that the very same persons who deny and don't want God in their lives or in the public or government seem to want GODLY principles applied to know, things like "tolerance", "understanding", "compassion", "patience"...all of those things are, indeed, Godly. read the Bible. it's all in there. like it or not...our laws are based on Judeo-Christian law...

another oddity in decisions is to allow a mosque in 911's ground zero...Muslims are extremely INTOLERANT of non-Muslims and homosexuality and "infidels" in general...don't believe it? go to news archives and look it up! i can remember seeing news articles showing the executions of SUSPECTED homosexuals and SUSPECTED prostitutes in Iraq and Iran. tolerance? yea...right...allow the Muslims to build their "Arch de Triumphe" right there on ground zero? i don't think so.

we watched an interview with an ACLU lawyer who defends members of Al-Qeada on fox news about a messed up's no wonder our country is in such a mess. people like this are what will cause us to fall politically, morally and as a culture.

Maxine Waters and Lou Rangel...what a pair of losers...they get caught doing wrong and call people racist for catching them! both are racists of the highest order and should be removed from their seats.

well...enough whining for the day...there'll be plenty more tomorrow I'm sure.