Thursday, August 5, 2010

there have been some

very troubling decisions made lately in our courts and legislatures.

one being the overthrowing of the voters decision, the approval of prop 8, on homosexual marriage in California.

i, personally, am not homophobic, nor do i support, advocate, or condone it; i am a firm believer in heterosexuality.

whether or not non-believers (atheists) like it or not, there is a God. an almighty God who does NOT approve of homosexuality. that's why the anti-God crowd push for "hate speech" legislation. God does say that those who REPENT are forgiven; as it does apply to all sinning.

I'm not going to quote it for yourself.

history has shown that all cultures and civilizations who openly embrace, advocate and condone homosexuality decline it or not. that's not ALL the reason(s) but it certainly falls in to place in the demise of them.

it's been pointed out that some of the most notable peoples in history were steeped in homosexuality, notably the Trojans, the Spartans, Alexander the great and many within the ranks of the Roman legions; it's also a fact that it was advocated due to the lack of women on long campaigns. the leaders of the time knew and understood that their often times 14, 15, 16 year old soldiers were also battling hormones.

it seems very odd to me that the very same persons who deny and don't want God in their lives or in the public or government seem to want GODLY principles applied to know, things like "tolerance", "understanding", "compassion", "patience"...all of those things are, indeed, Godly. read the Bible. it's all in there. like it or not...our laws are based on Judeo-Christian law...

another oddity in decisions is to allow a mosque in 911's ground zero...Muslims are extremely INTOLERANT of non-Muslims and homosexuality and "infidels" in general...don't believe it? go to news archives and look it up! i can remember seeing news articles showing the executions of SUSPECTED homosexuals and SUSPECTED prostitutes in Iraq and Iran. tolerance? yea...right...allow the Muslims to build their "Arch de Triumphe" right there on ground zero? i don't think so.

we watched an interview with an ACLU lawyer who defends members of Al-Qeada on fox news about a messed up's no wonder our country is in such a mess. people like this are what will cause us to fall politically, morally and as a culture.

Maxine Waters and Lou Rangel...what a pair of losers...they get caught doing wrong and call people racist for catching them! both are racists of the highest order and should be removed from their seats.

well...enough whining for the day...there'll be plenty more tomorrow I'm sure.

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