the United States, as we once knew it, a FREE country, will, in the not too distant future, cease to exist as a united entity.
we are being torn asunder by our own congress, state legislatures and other 'special interest' groups within our own borders. the ACLU, planned parenthood, NAACP just to name a few.
current, and past, administrations have blatantly refused to enforce our sovereign borders, allowed minorities of all sorts, to become openly abusive to the majority, in fact they have encouraged it. don't believe that? look right within the walls of our own congress...the Black openly racist organization of black American congressmen and senators openly biased to the causes of Black Americans...if the WHITE members of Congress tried to form a group of WHITE congressmen, can you imagine the outcry from the Blacks and the left wingers?
it's not legal for a child to carry a bible to school or to pray aloud in school, or to wear a cross or shirt with the American flag on it, yet the Mexican flag can be openly flown ABOVE the American AMERICA, in an AMERICAN state, in an AMERICAN city, in an AMERICAN school...IT MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO A MUSLIM OR MEXICAN! oh, it's OK for the Muslim call to prayer to go out in public, but why not the ringing of church bells???
what's wrong with us???
I'll tell you what's wrong with us...we're a sick, sick country! we've let the left wingers, Marxists, like the current administration, push us around! we have turned our backs on God! that's right...i said it...we have turned our backs on God, as a nation.
oh, there's been up's and downs throughout our history, but nothing like now. just look around.
the era of the war in Viet Nam was the beginning of our end: "hell no, i won't go!", sex, drugs and rock and roll, burn the bra, civil disobedience ran rampant, the Watts riots, the Kent state incident, the founding of the ACLU and planned parenthood...the list goes on...
the Bible says that "in the end days, evil will be called good, and good will be called evil". one issue stands out above all in that context: gay marriage.
another is abortion. since R V Wade, over 40 million babies aborted and yet mankind is trying to clone humans...go figure. i agree with, and understand the concept of abortion in the cases of incest or rape. but, look at abortion in the cases of when a woman goes out, gets liquored up and has a wild night of sex without taking precautions? or is promiscuous? not only about father's rights? there are men who father children that would gladly take custody other than to have the child aborted.
another is the abandoning of Israel as an ally and friend by pressuring her to give away her lands and trying to force her to give away more; the Golan Heights. since George Bush pressured Israel to give up the Gaza strip, ATTACKS HAVE INTENSIFIED not diminished! how does he sleep at nite?
our course may be changed by us if we so choose. it has to begin by voting out the current administration and occupant of the white house and replacing congress and state legislatures with RESPONSIBLE, GOD FEARING PEOPLE. if we don''s "So long, America"
Friday, August 13, 2010
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