Wednesday, August 18, 2010

in my opinion

for what it's worth, this country will not survive another term of Barry, what's his name? the person that's living in the white house?

I've heard it opined that "this president is too important, historically, to be allowed to fail."

what's that mean?

does it intimate that because Barry is half black? or is he half white?

"IF" Barry does fail will that reflect on black Americans? or white Americans? which will be blamed?

Barry IS a failure...period...he always was, always will be...he always was, and will always be Barry the drug dealer, Barry the community organizer...

oh, sure, he's (and his 'wife') been educated at all the best schools the taxpayers could put him through, but has he really been "educated"? not really...he's still in the 'hood'; you know..."i wanna be shootin' some hoops 'n' drinkin' a beer with da boyz..."

what really worries me is the fact that the American voters actually elected what's in the white house now! what were they thinking? what ever it was, i can say i believe they sure goofed up on this one and i hope we'll survive. we can't afford to have the likes of Barry in such an important position. we'll end up, as a nation, broke, so deep in debt we'll NEVER see the end of it, never be able to make enough to even pay our taxes as a "working person", let alone live 'normally' and become a third rate economic/political/military power.

it's fair to say that Barry is not the sole cause, or all to blame, for what's happening now, he's just where the shoe is falling at the time. but, i believe he will unseat jimmy carter as being the worse president in our history.

pure and simple...he should not be where he is...he's a Marxist/socialist determined to destroy our country as a viable, sovereign, independent, nation and relabel us as being a "global community".

that's my're entitled to yours.

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