amaze me more and more.
i recently read an article about mayor Daley of Chicago and his fervent anti-gun rhetoric. it shows how narrow, stupid, ignorant and arrogant many, if not most, have become towards honest, law abiding citizens and their right to own firearms that's granted by our Constitutions second amendment.
it's NOT within their lawful power to deny a LAW ABIDING citizen that right, yet they do...and get away with it. they then get angry and bitter if challenged; especially if they lose in have many.
Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom and the mayor of Washington D.C. are classic examples of that.
as the article i read said, these people deny others the right to own a firearm and carry one themselves and most have the 7/24 protection of police. they advise all to "call the police" if self protection is needed...yeah...great... when seconds count, the police are minutes away...
I'm not advocating that everyone run out and purchase a gun for self protection simply because it's a right, i do advocate that EVERYONE should INSIST the government, state, county, city, borough, village, township, Parrish... whatever...RECOGNIZE and honor that right (and every other right, for that matter)
it's my firm belief that if 'They' are allowed to usurp your second amendment rights, they WILL step on other rights! they will not stop until you have no rights left. historically, it has happened, if you don't believe it, in England, Australia and Canada are prime examples. and, the list is much greater than that.
when there are "leaders" with the mindset of our current president and his AG you may rest assured that, if time permits, they WILL make an assault on civilian ownership of firearms, then what will be next? freedom of religion? speech? it most certainly WILL happen if we let it.
here's a thought...could it be the founding fathers and framers of our constitution FEARED a central government and wrote in the Second amendment for the right of the people to defend themselves against a tyrannical government?
here's another thought...we have long since passed the point of being able to "reel in" the control of our central government, we now are subservient to that central government NOT the opposite. if you don't believe that just look at how powerful we have allowed the IRS to become! as per an attorney i spoke about a tax issue, "they are the single strongest entity in the country. they operate with impunity and do whatever they wish, when they wish and answer to no one."
we need to wake up, and "reel in" this government...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
my second post for the day...but hey...
as i see it, some of the reasons things are so 'screwed up' now days here in the U.S. began with the war in Vietnam...the biggest part being the introduction of 'political correctness'.
we, the United States, became involved in Vietnam in, or near 1957, heck, there were still remnants of french equipment being used when i was in that neighborhood of the world. in fact, a marine patrol engaged, and killed, a former french foreign legionnaire who was leading enemy troops...he still had his legion Identity papers on him.
the U.S. could not wait to engage there for some reason...and yet we were told "you will not fire unless fired upon". now what kind of orders are those for soldiers in a combat situation? idiotic wouldn't you say? in order to defeat an enemy, you must find and destroy him before he finds and destroys's that simple.
the united states had just emerged from a worldwide war...WWII...we, and our allies, had just finished defeating a pair of heinous enemies, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. it was a devastating war for ALL involved...our enemies included.
after the war's end, we entered a period of peace, rebuilding and expansion.
then along comes another involvement that is still controversial to this day, Korea.
this engagement ended with a cease-fire...not a victory. our congress could not stand the thought of a clear cut victory and fired gen Douglas MacArthur.
so a cease fire was agreed to and a line of demarcation was drawn. to this day, there are skirmishes between American troops and North Korean troops.
then a scant four years later, we entered Vietnam. one of the biggest quagmires in our modern history.
during the Vietnam era, 1957 to 1975, there spawned the "hell no we won't go", "burn the bra", "drugs sex and rock and roll", civil unrest in the streets all over America. riots on college campuses for any and all reasons...valid or not, movements. people looked for reason for civil disobedience; and still do for that matter.
Vietnam ended in a simple withdrawal with our losing the war POLITICALLY, not militarily!
a pattern has been established...WWII a clear victory...Korea a cease-fire...Vietnam a political loss.
a political pattern of loss? yup...look at what's happened legislatively since the end of WWII...we've come under the siege of the "tyranny of minorities"! just look around at the laws now if you don't believe that.
that gave birth to what we now see gracing the halls of our legislatures nation wide. the likes of the Ted Kennedys, Barbabra Boxers, Diane Feinsteins, Harry Reids, Charles Schummers, just to name a few...that REALLY, REALLY have no business being legislators. in fact, there are few, good legislators ANYWHERE.
in my opinion...for what it's worth...legislators like those are why we're where we're at today...standing on the brink of disaster.
they fear victory in any conflict for any reason or fear letting our troops, who go into harms way, do the dirty job of fighting wars, to win those conflicts they send them into. why? for fear they will "offend" the enemy!
one such example is Fallujah during the war in Iraq. the, then president, G.W.Bush would not allow the Marines to attack mosques. why not? may i ask? did not the enemy seek refuge in them and fight from them? did they not secret munitions and arms in them? YES! THEY DID...AND STILL DO! you've got to seek out and destroy the enemy IF you want to win, other wise, it's a "no win" at long as the enemy is able to resist, he will. why bother to engage if there is no intent to win?
again...we have the capabilities to WIN...congress will not allow it. they'll fearful we will offend some one.
that, may very well, cost us our future.
we, the United States, became involved in Vietnam in, or near 1957, heck, there were still remnants of french equipment being used when i was in that neighborhood of the world. in fact, a marine patrol engaged, and killed, a former french foreign legionnaire who was leading enemy troops...he still had his legion Identity papers on him.
the U.S. could not wait to engage there for some reason...and yet we were told "you will not fire unless fired upon". now what kind of orders are those for soldiers in a combat situation? idiotic wouldn't you say? in order to defeat an enemy, you must find and destroy him before he finds and destroys's that simple.
the united states had just emerged from a worldwide war...WWII...we, and our allies, had just finished defeating a pair of heinous enemies, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. it was a devastating war for ALL involved...our enemies included.
after the war's end, we entered a period of peace, rebuilding and expansion.
then along comes another involvement that is still controversial to this day, Korea.
this engagement ended with a cease-fire...not a victory. our congress could not stand the thought of a clear cut victory and fired gen Douglas MacArthur.
so a cease fire was agreed to and a line of demarcation was drawn. to this day, there are skirmishes between American troops and North Korean troops.
then a scant four years later, we entered Vietnam. one of the biggest quagmires in our modern history.
during the Vietnam era, 1957 to 1975, there spawned the "hell no we won't go", "burn the bra", "drugs sex and rock and roll", civil unrest in the streets all over America. riots on college campuses for any and all reasons...valid or not, movements. people looked for reason for civil disobedience; and still do for that matter.
Vietnam ended in a simple withdrawal with our losing the war POLITICALLY, not militarily!
a pattern has been established...WWII a clear victory...Korea a cease-fire...Vietnam a political loss.
a political pattern of loss? yup...look at what's happened legislatively since the end of WWII...we've come under the siege of the "tyranny of minorities"! just look around at the laws now if you don't believe that.
that gave birth to what we now see gracing the halls of our legislatures nation wide. the likes of the Ted Kennedys, Barbabra Boxers, Diane Feinsteins, Harry Reids, Charles Schummers, just to name a few...that REALLY, REALLY have no business being legislators. in fact, there are few, good legislators ANYWHERE.
in my opinion...for what it's worth...legislators like those are why we're where we're at today...standing on the brink of disaster.
they fear victory in any conflict for any reason or fear letting our troops, who go into harms way, do the dirty job of fighting wars, to win those conflicts they send them into. why? for fear they will "offend" the enemy!
one such example is Fallujah during the war in Iraq. the, then president, G.W.Bush would not allow the Marines to attack mosques. why not? may i ask? did not the enemy seek refuge in them and fight from them? did they not secret munitions and arms in them? YES! THEY DID...AND STILL DO! you've got to seek out and destroy the enemy IF you want to win, other wise, it's a "no win" at long as the enemy is able to resist, he will. why bother to engage if there is no intent to win?
again...we have the capabilities to WIN...congress will not allow it. they'll fearful we will offend some one.
that, may very well, cost us our future.
having just read a copy
of the letter sent to mayor Villiagrosa and the city council of L.A. i am greatly encouraged.
i see, hear and understand the citizens of Arizona will not stand for the Nazi, racist, Marxist, idiotic, tactics taken by the morons in Los Angeles city council.
these people show their TRUE idiocy whenever a situation like this arises; without failure!
they're really so shallow in their narrow minded perspectives so as to say..."I'm being picked on 'cuz I'm an ILLEGAL Mexican immigrant."
if i violate a city ordinance of the city of L.A., or any other city, for that matter, am i not subject to the laws and ordinances if i am caught? they expect me to be face 'justice' do they not? why don't they expect the same from ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?
what makes them think that being here ILLEGALLY should be overlooked? WARPED, illogical, racist, THINKING...that's what. sick, sick, convoluted individuals.
in their sick, sick minds they think that protesting will make it just "go away" and all will be OK.
to the state of Arizona i say: "PULL THE PLUG ON THE ELECTRICITY"...let them tape their "BOOM-BOX" stereo and Lo-rider batteries together for power...
to L.A. city council i say: "get a life morons...make your own power and get your own water!"
i see, hear and understand the citizens of Arizona will not stand for the Nazi, racist, Marxist, idiotic, tactics taken by the morons in Los Angeles city council.
these people show their TRUE idiocy whenever a situation like this arises; without failure!
they're really so shallow in their narrow minded perspectives so as to say..."I'm being picked on 'cuz I'm an ILLEGAL Mexican immigrant."
if i violate a city ordinance of the city of L.A., or any other city, for that matter, am i not subject to the laws and ordinances if i am caught? they expect me to be face 'justice' do they not? why don't they expect the same from ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?
what makes them think that being here ILLEGALLY should be overlooked? WARPED, illogical, racist, THINKING...that's what. sick, sick, convoluted individuals.
in their sick, sick minds they think that protesting will make it just "go away" and all will be OK.
to the state of Arizona i say: "PULL THE PLUG ON THE ELECTRICITY"...let them tape their "BOOM-BOX" stereo and Lo-rider batteries together for power...
to L.A. city council i say: "get a life morons...make your own power and get your own water!"
Saturday, May 22, 2010
this sounds like
maybe I'm "kicking a dead horse"...but...this business with Arizona and the new law it enacted is very bothersome.
I'm beginning to believe we may be seeing the "beginning of the end" of a cohesive United States, as we once knew it.
Bill Klinton fired the opening salvo with his "i did not have sex with that woman" scandal, beginning the "what does 'if' mean?" and allowing computer technology to be transferred to China that now allows them to hack our pentagon's computers, ignored the flow of illegal aliens into the country...
George Bush made the award winning plays of allowing gasoline to skyrocket in price, to nearly $5.00 per gallon here where i live, as an example, housing prices to get so unbelievably high that NO ONE that makes under half-a-million a year to purchase a run-of-the-mill tract house...i read in the news at one time the AVERAGE cost of the AVERAGE, previously owned house in the San Francisco area, was nearly a million dollars! i know it to be a fact, because my wife and i looked into purchasing a new house in this area (not San Francisco) for quite a lengthy time, there was NOTHING, available for less than $350,000.00...we were having a table repaired at a furniture repair business where we live near to and the owner told us that his mother had recently died and he sold her SINGLE WIDE, one BR, 1 bathroom, mobile, in a mobile home park on a "Postage stamp sized lot, that she didn't even own, she rented the space from the park" for $125,000.00! I've seen the park he spoke of many times; it is NOT the country club...believe me! he also, blatantly, ignored the flood of illegal aliens across the southern border saying "oh, they're just good, hard working people looking for work..."
now, we have a so-called "president" and "congress" who are very sympathetic to the illegal alien cause. they go so far as to applaud the president of Mexico when he publicly slams our laws of immigration while addressing our own "congress"! our own "president" says "our immigration laws are broken" ...huh? it's more like they're being ignored by the federal government!
residents of Arizona are being murdered, human and drug smugglers now invade the city of Phoenix and the corridor that leads north from the border to there, with relative ease and regularity. in one incident, there were enough of them that were well enough armed and trained to engage the Phoenix PD SWAT AND VERY NEARLY WON THE ENGAGEMENT! as i recall, a number of SWAT officers were badly wounded.
that's just one of many incidents that have prompted the leaders of Arizona to do what they did in passing legislation.
governor Brewer has written an appeal to, what's his name? the guy in the white "do your job and protect our borders...". to date she's gotten no response from him.
the current head of Homeland Security, Janet Napalitano, former gov of Arizona herself, wrote letters to the administration asking the same and got no response. boot...she ignores the letters from the governor now that she's head of homeland security. what gives?
Hillary Klinton blamed "guns from the U.S." as the leading cause of the violence. so...that will probably be this administrations response to the illegal alien and border violence; to attack the 2nd amendment and honest, law abiding gun owners here by punishing them for owning guns!
i read a recent journalists report on the guns the Mexican authorities have seized in raids, that stated that most were of foreign origin, mostly from the former Soviet Union, and American MILITARY arms. i even saw pictures of one such seizure that included an MG-42...a WWII German MG! now...the average American citizen is NOT allowed to own things like that or the M203's, RPG's, hand grenades and other fully automatic weapons that were displayed...
so how DID they get these arms?
as the journalist who wrote the article said: "more than likely from Mexican military deserters, corrupt Mexican military members selling to them, smuggling them across the border AND, they were given to Mexico by the U.S. to aid them in combating the drug cartels, but ended up in the wrong hands."
i ask you...why, if that's true, should the average, law abiding, gun owning citizen be penalized for that?
in this convoluted, sick, congress' would not surprise me...
I'm beginning to believe we may be seeing the "beginning of the end" of a cohesive United States, as we once knew it.
Bill Klinton fired the opening salvo with his "i did not have sex with that woman" scandal, beginning the "what does 'if' mean?" and allowing computer technology to be transferred to China that now allows them to hack our pentagon's computers, ignored the flow of illegal aliens into the country...
George Bush made the award winning plays of allowing gasoline to skyrocket in price, to nearly $5.00 per gallon here where i live, as an example, housing prices to get so unbelievably high that NO ONE that makes under half-a-million a year to purchase a run-of-the-mill tract house...i read in the news at one time the AVERAGE cost of the AVERAGE, previously owned house in the San Francisco area, was nearly a million dollars! i know it to be a fact, because my wife and i looked into purchasing a new house in this area (not San Francisco) for quite a lengthy time, there was NOTHING, available for less than $350,000.00...we were having a table repaired at a furniture repair business where we live near to and the owner told us that his mother had recently died and he sold her SINGLE WIDE, one BR, 1 bathroom, mobile, in a mobile home park on a "Postage stamp sized lot, that she didn't even own, she rented the space from the park" for $125,000.00! I've seen the park he spoke of many times; it is NOT the country club...believe me! he also, blatantly, ignored the flood of illegal aliens across the southern border saying "oh, they're just good, hard working people looking for work..."
now, we have a so-called "president" and "congress" who are very sympathetic to the illegal alien cause. they go so far as to applaud the president of Mexico when he publicly slams our laws of immigration while addressing our own "congress"! our own "president" says "our immigration laws are broken" ...huh? it's more like they're being ignored by the federal government!
residents of Arizona are being murdered, human and drug smugglers now invade the city of Phoenix and the corridor that leads north from the border to there, with relative ease and regularity. in one incident, there were enough of them that were well enough armed and trained to engage the Phoenix PD SWAT AND VERY NEARLY WON THE ENGAGEMENT! as i recall, a number of SWAT officers were badly wounded.
that's just one of many incidents that have prompted the leaders of Arizona to do what they did in passing legislation.
governor Brewer has written an appeal to, what's his name? the guy in the white "do your job and protect our borders...". to date she's gotten no response from him.
the current head of Homeland Security, Janet Napalitano, former gov of Arizona herself, wrote letters to the administration asking the same and got no response. boot...she ignores the letters from the governor now that she's head of homeland security. what gives?
Hillary Klinton blamed "guns from the U.S." as the leading cause of the violence. so...that will probably be this administrations response to the illegal alien and border violence; to attack the 2nd amendment and honest, law abiding gun owners here by punishing them for owning guns!
i read a recent journalists report on the guns the Mexican authorities have seized in raids, that stated that most were of foreign origin, mostly from the former Soviet Union, and American MILITARY arms. i even saw pictures of one such seizure that included an MG-42...a WWII German MG! now...the average American citizen is NOT allowed to own things like that or the M203's, RPG's, hand grenades and other fully automatic weapons that were displayed...
so how DID they get these arms?
as the journalist who wrote the article said: "more than likely from Mexican military deserters, corrupt Mexican military members selling to them, smuggling them across the border AND, they were given to Mexico by the U.S. to aid them in combating the drug cartels, but ended up in the wrong hands."
i ask you...why, if that's true, should the average, law abiding, gun owning citizen be penalized for that?
in this convoluted, sick, congress' would not surprise me...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
it becomes very clearly and obviously how STUPID AND IGNORANT so many are today.
all you have to do is to watch and listen them to see how phony, IGNORANT, STUPID and insincere they are.
if the current occupant of the white house can't finish a sentence without an "uh" or stammering between phrases..what does that tell me? among other things...he should not be where he's at...period. (and look at his selection as VP...that verifies that statement does it not?)
this "meeting" with the prez of Mexico was a historical SHAM...we now have to be subjected to the politics of the government of Mexico. quite frankly, i don't give a damn if they do not approve of the Arizona law! they don't have to like it...they just need to respect it and abide by it when 'they' come here! what part of that do 'they' not understand? They would cry their eyes out if we tried to interfere with their laws, would they not?
Mexico is a lesson of what a nation should NOT be! it's known throughout the world to have one of the most corrupt and ineffective governments in the world. the only thing that keeps it afloat as a sovereign nation is the tourism and the U.S. enabling illegal immigration from within it's borders to flood north into the U.S. and send 30 billion dollars a year back there from the other words: the U.S. is 'propping up' Mexico...
Mexico's history is similar to ours and is interwoven in many ways with ours and i think if one investigates thoroughly, they would find that the history of Mexico is so bloody it makes ours look tame by comparison.
every thing in Mexico has been accomplished by way of bloody revolution (remember Poncho Villa?) or conquest now the drug cartels are challenging the very existence of a central government that is in control. the "severed head" policy is now not uncommon in the streets of Mexico and it's spilling over into the U.S. because the U.S. government REFUSES to enforce the existence our sovereign borders. (it's odd that you hear very little, or nothing, of illegal immigration INTO Mexico isn't it?)
the Aztec, Mayatec, Toltec, Mayan, Olmec, to name a few, Indians were unbelievably cruel and bloody...history verifies this if you'll look. (some morons at SDSU protested the Aztec mascot recently and had it changed...they ignored the bloody and cruel history of the Aztec arrogantly and openly.)
the Spaniards conquered these cultures and nations by way of deceit, cruelty, force of arms and bloody wars did they not? come on now...admit it...that is what happened wasn't it?
again, review your history. didn't Spain cede California to the U.S. as the result of a war fought between them in the late 1840's and sign a treaty ceding California to the U. S. in 1852 in the treaty of Guadalupe Hildago?
what makes someone believe Mexico has a claim on California as it being "occupied Mexico"? they gave it up!!!! it's that simple...accept it...get over it! they lost a war...that was one of the consequences of loss was it not?
if you want to follow that logic, then Mexico must be returned to Spain, then Spain should return it to the Mezo-Americans...right? after all, that is what's "politically correct" is it not? oh, wait...could it be that there may not be enough Mezo-Americans left because they were killed off by the Mexican government? nahhhhh...could it be?
now maybe you can see what i base my idea of "IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY AND ARROGANCE" on...
if you believe Mexico still owns a part of the U.S. you have a're either IGNORANT or STUPID, OR BOTH! both of which can lead to being ARROGANT!
all you have to do is to watch and listen them to see how phony, IGNORANT, STUPID and insincere they are.
if the current occupant of the white house can't finish a sentence without an "uh" or stammering between phrases..what does that tell me? among other things...he should not be where he's at...period. (and look at his selection as VP...that verifies that statement does it not?)
this "meeting" with the prez of Mexico was a historical SHAM...we now have to be subjected to the politics of the government of Mexico. quite frankly, i don't give a damn if they do not approve of the Arizona law! they don't have to like it...they just need to respect it and abide by it when 'they' come here! what part of that do 'they' not understand? They would cry their eyes out if we tried to interfere with their laws, would they not?
Mexico is a lesson of what a nation should NOT be! it's known throughout the world to have one of the most corrupt and ineffective governments in the world. the only thing that keeps it afloat as a sovereign nation is the tourism and the U.S. enabling illegal immigration from within it's borders to flood north into the U.S. and send 30 billion dollars a year back there from the other words: the U.S. is 'propping up' Mexico...
Mexico's history is similar to ours and is interwoven in many ways with ours and i think if one investigates thoroughly, they would find that the history of Mexico is so bloody it makes ours look tame by comparison.
every thing in Mexico has been accomplished by way of bloody revolution (remember Poncho Villa?) or conquest now the drug cartels are challenging the very existence of a central government that is in control. the "severed head" policy is now not uncommon in the streets of Mexico and it's spilling over into the U.S. because the U.S. government REFUSES to enforce the existence our sovereign borders. (it's odd that you hear very little, or nothing, of illegal immigration INTO Mexico isn't it?)
the Aztec, Mayatec, Toltec, Mayan, Olmec, to name a few, Indians were unbelievably cruel and bloody...history verifies this if you'll look. (some morons at SDSU protested the Aztec mascot recently and had it changed...they ignored the bloody and cruel history of the Aztec arrogantly and openly.)
the Spaniards conquered these cultures and nations by way of deceit, cruelty, force of arms and bloody wars did they not? come on now...admit it...that is what happened wasn't it?
again, review your history. didn't Spain cede California to the U.S. as the result of a war fought between them in the late 1840's and sign a treaty ceding California to the U. S. in 1852 in the treaty of Guadalupe Hildago?
what makes someone believe Mexico has a claim on California as it being "occupied Mexico"? they gave it up!!!! it's that simple...accept it...get over it! they lost a war...that was one of the consequences of loss was it not?
if you want to follow that logic, then Mexico must be returned to Spain, then Spain should return it to the Mezo-Americans...right? after all, that is what's "politically correct" is it not? oh, wait...could it be that there may not be enough Mezo-Americans left because they were killed off by the Mexican government? nahhhhh...could it be?
now maybe you can see what i base my idea of "IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY AND ARROGANCE" on...
if you believe Mexico still owns a part of the U.S. you have a're either IGNORANT or STUPID, OR BOTH! both of which can lead to being ARROGANT!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
there's a storm brewing
in the very near future.
in today's news, i read an article about a 16 year old girl who, protesting immigration laws, was warning motorists of a check point on the route.
her protest was aimed at steering ILLEGAL immigrants away from the check point so they could avoid having their vehicles impounded. she, and most other protesters, are so sadly disillusioned about their cause it's become nauseating.
basically, she's advocating breaking the law.
now I'm sure she'd be horror stricken if someone protested enforcing a law against someone who had robbed her home...she'd DEMAND something be done, as would most NORMAL, law abiding citizens...but...she and people like her are not 'normal' in a true sense of the word. they're racist to the core! they fear that the 'white man' is out to get them if they're of different color...NOT TRUE...just look around at some of the laws in force now: equal opportunity, rumford fair housing to name just two that i can think of right off-hand.
calling people names certainly does NOT make things easier, but it's come a time where a "A SPADE MUST BE CALLED A SPADE" or "A ROSE, IS A ROSE, IS A ROSE" or "A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME IS STILL A ROSE" if you prefer...but these protesters are PERVERTED, SICKO'S!
once again I've heard "California is just occupied Mexico"...those who say that have most assuredly NOT read their history. if they had they'd see that since 1852 Mexico and the U.S. are different nations, BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE TWO. if they have read it, they choose to ignore it or are so bitter they're blinded by the FACTS. they are, without a doubt, the bigots, racists...IGNORANT ones at that...
these folks need to 'GET A LIFE'
in today's news, i read an article about a 16 year old girl who, protesting immigration laws, was warning motorists of a check point on the route.
her protest was aimed at steering ILLEGAL immigrants away from the check point so they could avoid having their vehicles impounded. she, and most other protesters, are so sadly disillusioned about their cause it's become nauseating.
basically, she's advocating breaking the law.
now I'm sure she'd be horror stricken if someone protested enforcing a law against someone who had robbed her home...she'd DEMAND something be done, as would most NORMAL, law abiding citizens...but...she and people like her are not 'normal' in a true sense of the word. they're racist to the core! they fear that the 'white man' is out to get them if they're of different color...NOT TRUE...just look around at some of the laws in force now: equal opportunity, rumford fair housing to name just two that i can think of right off-hand.
calling people names certainly does NOT make things easier, but it's come a time where a "A SPADE MUST BE CALLED A SPADE" or "A ROSE, IS A ROSE, IS A ROSE" or "A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME IS STILL A ROSE" if you prefer...but these protesters are PERVERTED, SICKO'S!
once again I've heard "California is just occupied Mexico"...those who say that have most assuredly NOT read their history. if they had they'd see that since 1852 Mexico and the U.S. are different nations, BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF THE TWO. if they have read it, they choose to ignore it or are so bitter they're blinded by the FACTS. they are, without a doubt, the bigots, racists...IGNORANT ones at that...
these folks need to 'GET A LIFE'
Thursday, May 13, 2010
ignorance, arrogance and lunacy
is the best way to describe the 'protesters' of the law just enacted by the state of Arizona. the law was passed in support and as a direct result of federal law passed in the late 1990's.
not ONE of the protesters I've seen interviewed, have given an intelligent answer or presented a valid, argument as to what the problem is...IF there is, indeed, a problem. the worse of the lot have been the L.A. city council rhyme nor reason in what they do...they, above all, should be able to READ THE LAW AS WRITTEN and understand it...but wait...that's expecting an awful lot of an elected official isn't it?
from what I've seen the average protester, is probably an illegal immigrant who barely reads and understand English, and doesn't want to get deported, who believes that L.A. is actually a part of "U.S. occupied Mexico"...WRONG!!!! there is a lawfully, internationally recognized, political, border that is NOT being respected.
i believe that L.A. should be boycotted...after all...L.A. is one of the leading cause of much of the nations gang related problems isn't it? they don't seem to be able to control it either.
the ignorant, stone age level, legislators pass laws for the whole state because of what goes on in L.A. gangs.
in the end, the wonderful state of Arizona may suffer some financial damages as a result of the ignorance, arrogance and lunacy of the racists who're calling for boycotts of that state, but they'll recover and go on, or they may not be hurt at all...
you can bet, this has strengthened my resolve to avoid L.A. anyway i can...they are, after all, calling for disobedience of law. it has just been added to my list of place to stay away from along with San Francisco and new york city
i, for one, would have been an Arizona resident if it were not for financial restraints. however, if this state ever decides to secede, we will relocate there.
to the City of L.A city council and mayor, what's his name?.... i give them the "razzberry" of contempt they so richly deserve...they're ignorant, arrogant, racist numb-skulls.
to the state of Arizona...i say..."GO ARIZONA!!!" don't be swayed by one of the worse places on planet earth!
not ONE of the protesters I've seen interviewed, have given an intelligent answer or presented a valid, argument as to what the problem is...IF there is, indeed, a problem. the worse of the lot have been the L.A. city council rhyme nor reason in what they do...they, above all, should be able to READ THE LAW AS WRITTEN and understand it...but wait...that's expecting an awful lot of an elected official isn't it?
from what I've seen the average protester, is probably an illegal immigrant who barely reads and understand English, and doesn't want to get deported, who believes that L.A. is actually a part of "U.S. occupied Mexico"...WRONG!!!! there is a lawfully, internationally recognized, political, border that is NOT being respected.
i believe that L.A. should be boycotted...after all...L.A. is one of the leading cause of much of the nations gang related problems isn't it? they don't seem to be able to control it either.
the ignorant, stone age level, legislators pass laws for the whole state because of what goes on in L.A. gangs.
in the end, the wonderful state of Arizona may suffer some financial damages as a result of the ignorance, arrogance and lunacy of the racists who're calling for boycotts of that state, but they'll recover and go on, or they may not be hurt at all...
you can bet, this has strengthened my resolve to avoid L.A. anyway i can...they are, after all, calling for disobedience of law. it has just been added to my list of place to stay away from along with San Francisco and new york city
i, for one, would have been an Arizona resident if it were not for financial restraints. however, if this state ever decides to secede, we will relocate there.
to the City of L.A city council and mayor, what's his name?.... i give them the "razzberry" of contempt they so richly deserve...they're ignorant, arrogant, racist numb-skulls.
to the state of Arizona...i say..."GO ARIZONA!!!" don't be swayed by one of the worse places on planet earth!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
the time is past...or is it?
we, as a nation, have past our 'prime' and are now in the grinding, down hill decent into national oblivion. it's not a matter of "if" we fade into the pages of history as "once the greatest power on earth", it's when. i believe that current conditions, mostly of a political nature, point to that.
it is my belief, that soon, one or more state will secede from the union...sound familiar? can you say "civil war?", probably Arizona, Texas or Montana since they seem to be spearheading movements that defy the Marxist administration now on capitol hill. California? nonsense...California is under the control of illegal immigrants, homosexuals and feminists...they would not dare defy the Marxist in Washington D.C. at the time.
it began, in my opinion, at the involvement in the war in Vietnam.
Vietnam gave birth to the "hell no we won't go", "burn the bra", "drugs, sex and rock and roll", the civil rights movement, to name a few movements that sprang up during that 18 year involvement. that's right...i said 18 years...figure it out. the United states stepped into Vietnam almost immediately after the French withdrew. approximately 1957, the first American military "advisors" were sent to Vietnam; the last American personnel were evacuated from the American embassy in Saigon in 1975. you do the math. i know the math to be very nearly correct as i was involved over there in 1962 in the U.S. Army.
a few sobering, staggering, facts to relate us to history involving wars and their statistical numbers we have been involved in and associated with:
more (or at least, very nearly) are killed on the highways of this nation YEARLY than were killed in the entire 18 years course of the war in Vietnam. there was half as many soldiers killed on the last day of WWI, Nov 11, 1918, as were killed in the five years if the war in Iraq. the French, alone, lost six-million men in WWI. there were an estimated 55 million people killed, world wide, in WWII. Joseph Stalin killed 25 million Russians during his reign of terror, chairman Mao killed about the same number of his own Chinese people. nearly a million people perished in the siege of Stalingrad during WWII. Hitler murdered six million Jews, alone...that does not count the people he was responsible for in occupying, or invading, i should say, other nations, either. if you doubt these statistics, look them up...the information is highly visible and available for the asking.
the draft was abolished. a move, i believe, accelerated the downward spiral we're in.
think about it...we now have at least one generation of Americans that have not served their country, MILITARILY. they've not undergone the experience of military discipline, demands, needs and training that so benefit a person. as a result approximately 97% of our legislative entities don't understand what it's like to be in military service to our nation that is so vital it cannot be described. they have no idea what it's like to be out there in a bad situation where at any given moment you may be ordered to do something that may end in the taking of a life...maybe your own. or, for that matter, you may be in the position to have to give that order that may take life.
if you're getting the picture that i have very little faith in our leadership, you'd be right.
you see...i believe they're the ones directly responsible for us being where we're at now and i know that, beyond any shadow of a doubt, they'll, thru the abuse of their power, be our demise as a nation.
we, the voter, have allowed these legislative bodies to become so "politically correct" that they're now obsessed to the point of not allowing us to 'win' for fear of "offending" an enemy. as an example, we were killing Iraqi soldiers by burying them alive in their trenches if they refused to surrender and put up a fight, but a soldier would be punished for calling them a "raghead"...and, they'd certainly better not be swearing at, or cursing them while engaging them in a fight...make sense? not at all...common sense tells me that to kill someone is the biggest "offense" one can commit against another...that seems to evade our leadership for some reason. in other words: it's OK to kill them...just don't "offend" them in any way during the process...
what i would call "offensive" is: "should you meet an infidel who will not convert, smite his neck with a sword" and "a Jew is no better than a pig or goat and should be treated as such"...if you do not know the origin of those sayings...then look them's a hint: it been called the "religion of peace and love" and "an honorable religion" by a, recent, past president.
we...have a BIG problem...
it is my belief, that soon, one or more state will secede from the union...sound familiar? can you say "civil war?", probably Arizona, Texas or Montana since they seem to be spearheading movements that defy the Marxist administration now on capitol hill. California? nonsense...California is under the control of illegal immigrants, homosexuals and feminists...they would not dare defy the Marxist in Washington D.C. at the time.
it began, in my opinion, at the involvement in the war in Vietnam.
Vietnam gave birth to the "hell no we won't go", "burn the bra", "drugs, sex and rock and roll", the civil rights movement, to name a few movements that sprang up during that 18 year involvement. that's right...i said 18 years...figure it out. the United states stepped into Vietnam almost immediately after the French withdrew. approximately 1957, the first American military "advisors" were sent to Vietnam; the last American personnel were evacuated from the American embassy in Saigon in 1975. you do the math. i know the math to be very nearly correct as i was involved over there in 1962 in the U.S. Army.
a few sobering, staggering, facts to relate us to history involving wars and their statistical numbers we have been involved in and associated with:
more (or at least, very nearly) are killed on the highways of this nation YEARLY than were killed in the entire 18 years course of the war in Vietnam. there was half as many soldiers killed on the last day of WWI, Nov 11, 1918, as were killed in the five years if the war in Iraq. the French, alone, lost six-million men in WWI. there were an estimated 55 million people killed, world wide, in WWII. Joseph Stalin killed 25 million Russians during his reign of terror, chairman Mao killed about the same number of his own Chinese people. nearly a million people perished in the siege of Stalingrad during WWII. Hitler murdered six million Jews, alone...that does not count the people he was responsible for in occupying, or invading, i should say, other nations, either. if you doubt these statistics, look them up...the information is highly visible and available for the asking.
the draft was abolished. a move, i believe, accelerated the downward spiral we're in.
think about it...we now have at least one generation of Americans that have not served their country, MILITARILY. they've not undergone the experience of military discipline, demands, needs and training that so benefit a person. as a result approximately 97% of our legislative entities don't understand what it's like to be in military service to our nation that is so vital it cannot be described. they have no idea what it's like to be out there in a bad situation where at any given moment you may be ordered to do something that may end in the taking of a life...maybe your own. or, for that matter, you may be in the position to have to give that order that may take life.
if you're getting the picture that i have very little faith in our leadership, you'd be right.
you see...i believe they're the ones directly responsible for us being where we're at now and i know that, beyond any shadow of a doubt, they'll, thru the abuse of their power, be our demise as a nation.
we, the voter, have allowed these legislative bodies to become so "politically correct" that they're now obsessed to the point of not allowing us to 'win' for fear of "offending" an enemy. as an example, we were killing Iraqi soldiers by burying them alive in their trenches if they refused to surrender and put up a fight, but a soldier would be punished for calling them a "raghead"...and, they'd certainly better not be swearing at, or cursing them while engaging them in a fight...make sense? not at all...common sense tells me that to kill someone is the biggest "offense" one can commit against another...that seems to evade our leadership for some reason. in other words: it's OK to kill them...just don't "offend" them in any way during the process...
what i would call "offensive" is: "should you meet an infidel who will not convert, smite his neck with a sword" and "a Jew is no better than a pig or goat and should be treated as such"...if you do not know the origin of those sayings...then look them's a hint: it been called the "religion of peace and love" and "an honorable religion" by a, recent, past president.
we...have a BIG problem...
Saturday, May 8, 2010
and, so it goes...
what a country we live in.
Americans now live under the tyranny of minorities.
cinco de mayo is a MEXICAN holiday; Mexico's Independence day NOT an American holiday yet Americans are being BULLIED into bowing before the Mexican flag on that day.
woe be to the person who dares to fly an American flag on cinco de mayo in America...he is called a racist, an antagonist, a troublemaker, an instigator...the list goes on. even though he is on American soil, in an American state, in an American county, in an American city...he is called a racist because he calls for the American flag to be ABOVE the Mexican flag on AMERICAN, NOT MEXICAN, soil. MANY ARE NOT ABLE TO, OR CHOOSE NOT TO, UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NOT MEXICO...what's sad is that much of the public education system instill that into the children under their tutelage they teach that "you are a racist if you want the laws of immigration enforced"
I'd daresay, many, if not most, public "educators" are themselves, highly biased and narrow-minded to the point of radicalism. they see themselves as being so "enlightened" they see themselves as being beyond reproach. look at the current resident of the white house, once an educator himself. one who espouses the likes of Che Guevara, Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky as being great leaders!
people...we got problems...
my opinion is quite simple: Mexican citizen come here illegally, celebrate cinco de mayo, i have no problem with that. what i do have a problem with is that they DEMAND, to the point of violence against us, the United States, the host nation, we conform to their customs, language, beliefs and culture! furthermore, they DEMAND the rights and benefits afforded AMERICAN citizens.
even our so-called, president, says "the immigration laws are broken..."
I'd like to ask: what is broken? the laws? no...they are not "broken", they are not enforced...the borders are not enforced...ILLEGAL immigration is no longer considered by the sick, sick, legislators and system, to be illegal! our sovereignty is something that is no longer considered as being recognizable.
i would defy our legislators to try to cross the border into Mexico ILLEGALLY. I'd daresay, they'd be shot down like a rabid dog by the federalies or border police without hesitation.
i expect that soon, under the current way of doing business in Washington D.C., it will be illegal to display the American flag or symbols of American sovereignty as they might "offend" someone.
have we allowed Washington D.C. to lose sensibility? yes...we have...we, the voter, have allowed them to bully and coerce us into being a third rate nation; we're expected to capitulate before other languages and cultures that migrate to within our borders.
what puzzles me is that if a person, or persons, so values their borders, languages and culture, why do they come here and expect us to change OUR borders, languages and culture to THEM...why not just remain where they were? it would seem it would be easier to remain status quo than to change an entire culture to THEM...
it is indeed, time to take back America...get rid of ALL incumbents, limit terms in office, ANY elected office to NO MORE than 6 years for openers...
Americans now live under the tyranny of minorities.
cinco de mayo is a MEXICAN holiday; Mexico's Independence day NOT an American holiday yet Americans are being BULLIED into bowing before the Mexican flag on that day.
woe be to the person who dares to fly an American flag on cinco de mayo in America...he is called a racist, an antagonist, a troublemaker, an instigator...the list goes on. even though he is on American soil, in an American state, in an American county, in an American city...he is called a racist because he calls for the American flag to be ABOVE the Mexican flag on AMERICAN, NOT MEXICAN, soil. MANY ARE NOT ABLE TO, OR CHOOSE NOT TO, UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NOT MEXICO...what's sad is that much of the public education system instill that into the children under their tutelage they teach that "you are a racist if you want the laws of immigration enforced"
I'd daresay, many, if not most, public "educators" are themselves, highly biased and narrow-minded to the point of radicalism. they see themselves as being so "enlightened" they see themselves as being beyond reproach. look at the current resident of the white house, once an educator himself. one who espouses the likes of Che Guevara, Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky as being great leaders!
people...we got problems...
my opinion is quite simple: Mexican citizen come here illegally, celebrate cinco de mayo, i have no problem with that. what i do have a problem with is that they DEMAND, to the point of violence against us, the United States, the host nation, we conform to their customs, language, beliefs and culture! furthermore, they DEMAND the rights and benefits afforded AMERICAN citizens.
even our so-called, president, says "the immigration laws are broken..."
I'd like to ask: what is broken? the laws? no...they are not "broken", they are not enforced...the borders are not enforced...ILLEGAL immigration is no longer considered by the sick, sick, legislators and system, to be illegal! our sovereignty is something that is no longer considered as being recognizable.
i would defy our legislators to try to cross the border into Mexico ILLEGALLY. I'd daresay, they'd be shot down like a rabid dog by the federalies or border police without hesitation.
i expect that soon, under the current way of doing business in Washington D.C., it will be illegal to display the American flag or symbols of American sovereignty as they might "offend" someone.
have we allowed Washington D.C. to lose sensibility? yes...we have...we, the voter, have allowed them to bully and coerce us into being a third rate nation; we're expected to capitulate before other languages and cultures that migrate to within our borders.
what puzzles me is that if a person, or persons, so values their borders, languages and culture, why do they come here and expect us to change OUR borders, languages and culture to THEM...why not just remain where they were? it would seem it would be easier to remain status quo than to change an entire culture to THEM...
it is indeed, time to take back America...get rid of ALL incumbents, limit terms in office, ANY elected office to NO MORE than 6 years for openers...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
lethal mixture
when you combine passion, ignorance, incredibility, stupidity, a 'liberal' education of some sort...usually one that has been funded by taxpayers in one way or another you normally, come up with a legislator or an 'activist' in some shape or form...Jesse Jackson is a good example...let me rephrase that...he is an example.
the "average" American know...the people like "Joe the Plumber" that dare ask the current resident of the white house hard now being pummeled by these legislator/ignoramuses/activists as being Nazis, Hitlers, racists,thugs to name a few of the names being thrown around...and why, you ask? it's really simple...they want the law, the laws of immigration to be enforced and our borders to be secured.
and yet if you ask them if they knew how Hitler came to power, i doubt they'd know he WAS ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE OF GERMANY in 1933...further more, he was invited to occupy Austria by the Austrian people.
imagine that...actually wanting a law enforced! why, that's down right unfair to single out a felon and insist they be subjected to the same laws and enforcement they (Joe the Plumber) are subjected to.
I've been listening to some of the interviews with so called "activists", legislators and even law enforcement seems the "activists" are the most ignorant with legislators running a close second behind them.
sheriff Joe Arrapiao was the most impressive of them that were interviewed. he is enforcing the laws as they are written and intended. for that, he's been criticized, condemned and called names by citizens and leaders as well.
it appears to me that even some of the law enforcement officials seem defiant about enforcing the laws that were enacted as far back as 1990's by refusing to allow their officers to engage in asking a detainees immigration status for fear of "offending" someone.
it's very easy for one to cry "racist" when a person from a different ethnic group says something about another person from another ethnic group. I've come to recognize, understand and believe that most of those who cry "racism" are themselves the worse racists of all!
the cry of "racism" is usually the results of their own inability to deal with their own shortcomings or a way of dealing with a situation where they believe they've been wronged and can't accept the reality that it's not their RACE that was the issue, it was due to the fact they could not meet a standard or criteria of some sort. again, i believe they're ignorant and ego centric to the point of not being able to accept the facts; common sense evades these types.
so there's no misunderstanding...i attribute the problems we have in this nation now can be DIRECTLY RELATED TO OUR LEADERSHIP...AND...THE VOTERS WHO ALLOW THEM TO REMAIN IN OFFICE! THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE...
the "average" American know...the people like "Joe the Plumber" that dare ask the current resident of the white house hard now being pummeled by these legislator/ignoramuses/activists as being Nazis, Hitlers, racists,thugs to name a few of the names being thrown around...and why, you ask? it's really simple...they want the law, the laws of immigration to be enforced and our borders to be secured.
and yet if you ask them if they knew how Hitler came to power, i doubt they'd know he WAS ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE OF GERMANY in 1933...further more, he was invited to occupy Austria by the Austrian people.
imagine that...actually wanting a law enforced! why, that's down right unfair to single out a felon and insist they be subjected to the same laws and enforcement they (Joe the Plumber) are subjected to.
I've been listening to some of the interviews with so called "activists", legislators and even law enforcement seems the "activists" are the most ignorant with legislators running a close second behind them.
sheriff Joe Arrapiao was the most impressive of them that were interviewed. he is enforcing the laws as they are written and intended. for that, he's been criticized, condemned and called names by citizens and leaders as well.
it appears to me that even some of the law enforcement officials seem defiant about enforcing the laws that were enacted as far back as 1990's by refusing to allow their officers to engage in asking a detainees immigration status for fear of "offending" someone.
it's very easy for one to cry "racist" when a person from a different ethnic group says something about another person from another ethnic group. I've come to recognize, understand and believe that most of those who cry "racism" are themselves the worse racists of all!
the cry of "racism" is usually the results of their own inability to deal with their own shortcomings or a way of dealing with a situation where they believe they've been wronged and can't accept the reality that it's not their RACE that was the issue, it was due to the fact they could not meet a standard or criteria of some sort. again, i believe they're ignorant and ego centric to the point of not being able to accept the facts; common sense evades these types.
so there's no misunderstanding...i attribute the problems we have in this nation now can be DIRECTLY RELATED TO OUR LEADERSHIP...AND...THE VOTERS WHO ALLOW THEM TO REMAIN IN OFFICE! THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
"what you should do is..."
when i was a young man, i used to get aggravated when my dad would say that to me.
now that I'm an "old man" i see that, more often than not, my dad was right in what he was telling me "what i should do..."
"what WE, the people of these united states, should do" is sweep congress and ALL state legislatures clear and start over, starting at the white house.
we need to re-write the rules and regulations that determine what they may and may not do and above all...LIMIT THEIR TERMS, PAY AND BENEFITS DURING THEIR TENURE IN CONGRESS/SENATE/LEGISLATURES. it would require amending the constitution(s) but I'm certain our founding forefathers would approve in light of what some of these "legislators" have done to convolute the meaning and intent of the constitution. and it's been established that the founders did NOT intend for CAREER POLITICIANS/LEGISLATORS TO CONTROL CONGRESS AND THE SENATE. THEY WERE INTENDED TO SERVE ONE, OR MAYBE TWO TERMS, GO HOME AND RESUME THEIR 'OTHER' LIVES in their communities. we now have those who have spent their ENTIRE LIVES sucking the taxpayers dry. (a well known, as drunken womanizer, one who was responsible for the death of a young pregnant woman, not his wife, comes to mind as one of many.)there another "shining example" is that of a fake, mannequin looking woman that was once a 'senator' but took the position of speaker of the house. it's been published that her estate is worth at least $25 million...the above named drunken womanizer was worth at least $500 million that he KEPT OFFSHORE TO AVOID TAXES ON.
in my opinion, for what it's worth, and I'm certain I'm not the only one with this opinion, there are VERY FEW legislators that are worth the effort it took to elect them, VERY FEW.
as i see it, and, again, i don't think I'm the only one of the opinion, that there are many signs of the imminent downfall of this country. there are signs all around us...but most pay little, if any, attention to them.
one of the single most damaging signs is the push for "diversity". there are different definitions of diversity. one being; "to divide". that's what's happening here. we're being divided. the American blacks, the American Hispanics, the American natives, the American German, American Christians, American Muslims, American Arabs, etc, etc, etc...each wanting and having their own culture, language and boundaries according to their OWN desires AND by creeping ever so quietly and surely into the very fabric of our laws by way of our "do-good, feel-good" legislators and the mindless courts that support them. in one town/city in Michigan recently, the Muslim population wanted to have sharia law enacted for the town/city. in another city the mosques sing out their prayers in public daily. why, christian prayers would be forbidden if it were left to the ACLU and the likes thereof. yet these same people championing removal of all symbols of Christianity, God, our association with, the forming of national beliefs and law structure are Christian based refuse to accept that fact!
we allow legislators to appoint KNOWN, OPEN ENEMIES, such as Ruth bader Ginsberg, Sonia sotomeyer, Eric holder and Janet Reno to name just a few, over a period of time, to positions of legislative, judicial and administrative power and influence that's it's beyond belief.
we as a nation, as a culture, as a people, allow the ACLU, and other similar organizations, to attack the very fabric of our existence. the ACLU...founded by a known, admitted communist (as was Planned Parenthood) and at one time headed by non other than a now, supreme court justice, Ruth bader Ginsberg. we allow one congressman who was a former member of the KKK to remain seated...the list goes on.
we should hang our heads in shame! the KKK is alive and well in the guise of some of these people under different names!
we allow people that advocate, encourage and support abortion, even to the point of live birth abortion and not telling an underage mother-to-be's parents, drug abuse, pornography, oppression of religion and freedom of speech, press, private property ownership and ownership of firearms, to sit in those places...we elect them! what's even more astounding is we RE-elect them, too!
all too often, many, if not most legislators, spend much of their time campaigning to get RE-elected, AT THE TAX PAYERS EXPENSE! the current resident of the white house, as an example, spent the two years preceding his administration campaigning. it is a matter of public record, he spent VERY LITTLE TIME PERFORMING THE SENATORIAL JOB HE WAS ELECTED TO DO1
we allowed a moronic, ineffective, president to give away the Panama Canal and allow the radical Iranians to hold our embassy personnel, in that country, captive for over a year.
we allowed another president to allow computer technology to be sold/transferred to a country that now has the ability to shoot down our, or any, for that matter, satellites with it and began a sexual revolution, of a sort, by championing the belief that oral sex is "not really sex"...i think he believed that oral sex is when you talk about it...and to look directly into a TV camera and swear, UNDER OATH: "i did not have sex with that woman"
we really are amazing aren't we? it's amazing we've made it this far...i will truly be amazed if a criticism like this will be able to written IF we RE-elect what is in the white house now...
now that I'm an "old man" i see that, more often than not, my dad was right in what he was telling me "what i should do..."
"what WE, the people of these united states, should do" is sweep congress and ALL state legislatures clear and start over, starting at the white house.
we need to re-write the rules and regulations that determine what they may and may not do and above all...LIMIT THEIR TERMS, PAY AND BENEFITS DURING THEIR TENURE IN CONGRESS/SENATE/LEGISLATURES. it would require amending the constitution(s) but I'm certain our founding forefathers would approve in light of what some of these "legislators" have done to convolute the meaning and intent of the constitution. and it's been established that the founders did NOT intend for CAREER POLITICIANS/LEGISLATORS TO CONTROL CONGRESS AND THE SENATE. THEY WERE INTENDED TO SERVE ONE, OR MAYBE TWO TERMS, GO HOME AND RESUME THEIR 'OTHER' LIVES in their communities. we now have those who have spent their ENTIRE LIVES sucking the taxpayers dry. (a well known, as drunken womanizer, one who was responsible for the death of a young pregnant woman, not his wife, comes to mind as one of many.)there another "shining example" is that of a fake, mannequin looking woman that was once a 'senator' but took the position of speaker of the house. it's been published that her estate is worth at least $25 million...the above named drunken womanizer was worth at least $500 million that he KEPT OFFSHORE TO AVOID TAXES ON.
in my opinion, for what it's worth, and I'm certain I'm not the only one with this opinion, there are VERY FEW legislators that are worth the effort it took to elect them, VERY FEW.
as i see it, and, again, i don't think I'm the only one of the opinion, that there are many signs of the imminent downfall of this country. there are signs all around us...but most pay little, if any, attention to them.
one of the single most damaging signs is the push for "diversity". there are different definitions of diversity. one being; "to divide". that's what's happening here. we're being divided. the American blacks, the American Hispanics, the American natives, the American German, American Christians, American Muslims, American Arabs, etc, etc, etc...each wanting and having their own culture, language and boundaries according to their OWN desires AND by creeping ever so quietly and surely into the very fabric of our laws by way of our "do-good, feel-good" legislators and the mindless courts that support them. in one town/city in Michigan recently, the Muslim population wanted to have sharia law enacted for the town/city. in another city the mosques sing out their prayers in public daily. why, christian prayers would be forbidden if it were left to the ACLU and the likes thereof. yet these same people championing removal of all symbols of Christianity, God, our association with, the forming of national beliefs and law structure are Christian based refuse to accept that fact!
we allow legislators to appoint KNOWN, OPEN ENEMIES, such as Ruth bader Ginsberg, Sonia sotomeyer, Eric holder and Janet Reno to name just a few, over a period of time, to positions of legislative, judicial and administrative power and influence that's it's beyond belief.
we as a nation, as a culture, as a people, allow the ACLU, and other similar organizations, to attack the very fabric of our existence. the ACLU...founded by a known, admitted communist (as was Planned Parenthood) and at one time headed by non other than a now, supreme court justice, Ruth bader Ginsberg. we allow one congressman who was a former member of the KKK to remain seated...the list goes on.
we should hang our heads in shame! the KKK is alive and well in the guise of some of these people under different names!
we allow people that advocate, encourage and support abortion, even to the point of live birth abortion and not telling an underage mother-to-be's parents, drug abuse, pornography, oppression of religion and freedom of speech, press, private property ownership and ownership of firearms, to sit in those places...we elect them! what's even more astounding is we RE-elect them, too!
all too often, many, if not most legislators, spend much of their time campaigning to get RE-elected, AT THE TAX PAYERS EXPENSE! the current resident of the white house, as an example, spent the two years preceding his administration campaigning. it is a matter of public record, he spent VERY LITTLE TIME PERFORMING THE SENATORIAL JOB HE WAS ELECTED TO DO1
we allowed a moronic, ineffective, president to give away the Panama Canal and allow the radical Iranians to hold our embassy personnel, in that country, captive for over a year.
we allowed another president to allow computer technology to be sold/transferred to a country that now has the ability to shoot down our, or any, for that matter, satellites with it and began a sexual revolution, of a sort, by championing the belief that oral sex is "not really sex"...i think he believed that oral sex is when you talk about it...and to look directly into a TV camera and swear, UNDER OATH: "i did not have sex with that woman"
we really are amazing aren't we? it's amazing we've made it this far...i will truly be amazed if a criticism like this will be able to written IF we RE-elect what is in the white house now...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
it's not getting any better
what do you expect?
we now have a huge controversy raging about the state of Arizona wanting to deal with ILLEGAL immigrants. California should pay VERY close attention to what's happening. after all California is dramatically impacted by the affects of ILLEGAL immigrants. after all, historically, didn't "illegal" immigrants from Spain take what is currently, Mexico, away from the native Meso-Americans by force of arms, treachery and torture? shouldn't Mexico be returned to the Meso-Americans? that makes as much sense as California being returned to Mexico...the 1852 treaty of Guadalupe Hildago separated the United States of America from Mexico whether the activist's like it or not...duhhhhh...let's use some common sense here, OK?
notice i used the term "ILLEGAL"? it seems many in today's debate over immigration cannot, are not capable of, will not, or all of the above, recognize the word "ILLEGAL" when it comes to the immigration laws of this country.
the current popular term used by many "activists", legislators and so-called, politicians, is "undocumented". but does that make them "LEGAL"? i don't think so...
it's like this: it is ILLEGAL, FOR A NON-CITIZEN, TO COME INTO THIS COUNTRY WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE GOVERNMENT. what's hard to understand about that? it is THE it or not. if you don't like it, work within the system to have it changed...but be aware..."change" may NOT be what YOU want it to be!
i watched a debate on fox news hosted by Juan Williams, sitting in for Bill O'Reilly, between a professor from Georgetown university, an American black, and a female, American Mexican activist from Arizona very pro-illegal immigrant.
in my opinion, the professor from Georgetown won the debate, hands-down! the pro-immigrant representative was arrogant, IGNORANT and obviously racist in her views and assessment of the whole situation.
why is it that the pro-immigration activists TOTALLY IGNORE the fact that no one is against LEGAL immigration? they're against ILLEGAL immigration! is that hard to understand and grasp? yet NOT ONCE do you hear them say "illegal immigrants" when dealing with the situation. there is, indeed, a BIG difference between the two in case they're not aware.
let me present this argument to you as an example...purely a hypothetical instance.
as it stands now, crossing our borders into this country, from ANY direction, south to north, west to east, east to west, north to south, by a non-citizen, thru a non-recognized/authorized, entry port, without authorization, is illegal is it not? if they do so, do they not break a law(s)? if so, should they not be subject to our laws? would it not be fair and correct to call one, a non-citizen, who enters the country thru an unauthorized place an ILLEGAL entrant/immigrant? and, again, does one who commits such an offense warrant being subject to the laws of the country they have entered ILLEGALLY?
if you can answer any of the questions presented above by saying "the laws are racially motivated" you need to read the laws! point out where is says that ANY RACE OR ETHNIC GROUP IS TO BE SORTED OUT AND DISCRIMINATED AGAINST!!!! IT'S BEEN POINTED OUT BY MANY FROM POSITIONS OF KNOWLEDGE AND AUTHORITY TO BE THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!!
I've listen to the rants of the likes of the Rev Jesse Jackson and find them to be, at the least, offensive, ignorant and biased to the highest degree.
in my observations, the ones who scream "racist" are themselves, usually, racists of the highest order; they need to "get a life" as it's said.
they also neglect to say that ILLEGAL immigrants are from many different sources, NOT just Mexico and Latin/central America. there's Russians, Chinese, Arabs, Ukrainians and many more. it just so happens that Mexicans compose the majority of them. is that "profiling"? is...but it's also COMMON SENSE. it's not sensible, or logical, to believe that our southern border would have a problem with North Korean ILLEGAL entrants would it? any more than it would be sensible to believe that North Korea would have problems with illegal Mexican entrants. this is where the ignorance, arrogance, racism and disdain that many "activists" have is often displayed.
in my opinion, there are VERY FEW LEGITIMATE advocates for ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. if there were, they would advocate that the "immigrants" subject themselves, voluntarily, to the laws of the land to gain legitimacy...NOT advocating the breaking of our existing laws, as they do now.
I've heard the argument about "breaking up families" by deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants...NONSENSE!!! let's say i break a law, equal to illegally entering the country, should i not answer to the law? if i were to say to the judge in a court: "your honor, if you put me in prison, it will break up my family". what do you think the judge will say? i sincerely think he/she will NOT say: "Oh, OK, just don't do it again". i also think you have serious problems if you think they would "OK" what you did...
to that kind of activist i say:
you believe that ILLEGAL immigrants should not be subject to our laws and i disagree! we have the right, and authority, to enforce those laws, whether you like it or not!
why don't you just move to Mexico? (or any other country you're trying to change us into being), it's easier to do that than to change our way of life here...wouldn't it be easier for everyone concerned? get a life
we now have a huge controversy raging about the state of Arizona wanting to deal with ILLEGAL immigrants. California should pay VERY close attention to what's happening. after all California is dramatically impacted by the affects of ILLEGAL immigrants. after all, historically, didn't "illegal" immigrants from Spain take what is currently, Mexico, away from the native Meso-Americans by force of arms, treachery and torture? shouldn't Mexico be returned to the Meso-Americans? that makes as much sense as California being returned to Mexico...the 1852 treaty of Guadalupe Hildago separated the United States of America from Mexico whether the activist's like it or not...duhhhhh...let's use some common sense here, OK?
notice i used the term "ILLEGAL"? it seems many in today's debate over immigration cannot, are not capable of, will not, or all of the above, recognize the word "ILLEGAL" when it comes to the immigration laws of this country.
the current popular term used by many "activists", legislators and so-called, politicians, is "undocumented". but does that make them "LEGAL"? i don't think so...
it's like this: it is ILLEGAL, FOR A NON-CITIZEN, TO COME INTO THIS COUNTRY WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE GOVERNMENT. what's hard to understand about that? it is THE it or not. if you don't like it, work within the system to have it changed...but be aware..."change" may NOT be what YOU want it to be!
i watched a debate on fox news hosted by Juan Williams, sitting in for Bill O'Reilly, between a professor from Georgetown university, an American black, and a female, American Mexican activist from Arizona very pro-illegal immigrant.
in my opinion, the professor from Georgetown won the debate, hands-down! the pro-immigrant representative was arrogant, IGNORANT and obviously racist in her views and assessment of the whole situation.
why is it that the pro-immigration activists TOTALLY IGNORE the fact that no one is against LEGAL immigration? they're against ILLEGAL immigration! is that hard to understand and grasp? yet NOT ONCE do you hear them say "illegal immigrants" when dealing with the situation. there is, indeed, a BIG difference between the two in case they're not aware.
let me present this argument to you as an example...purely a hypothetical instance.
as it stands now, crossing our borders into this country, from ANY direction, south to north, west to east, east to west, north to south, by a non-citizen, thru a non-recognized/authorized, entry port, without authorization, is illegal is it not? if they do so, do they not break a law(s)? if so, should they not be subject to our laws? would it not be fair and correct to call one, a non-citizen, who enters the country thru an unauthorized place an ILLEGAL entrant/immigrant? and, again, does one who commits such an offense warrant being subject to the laws of the country they have entered ILLEGALLY?
if you can answer any of the questions presented above by saying "the laws are racially motivated" you need to read the laws! point out where is says that ANY RACE OR ETHNIC GROUP IS TO BE SORTED OUT AND DISCRIMINATED AGAINST!!!! IT'S BEEN POINTED OUT BY MANY FROM POSITIONS OF KNOWLEDGE AND AUTHORITY TO BE THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!!
I've listen to the rants of the likes of the Rev Jesse Jackson and find them to be, at the least, offensive, ignorant and biased to the highest degree.
in my observations, the ones who scream "racist" are themselves, usually, racists of the highest order; they need to "get a life" as it's said.
they also neglect to say that ILLEGAL immigrants are from many different sources, NOT just Mexico and Latin/central America. there's Russians, Chinese, Arabs, Ukrainians and many more. it just so happens that Mexicans compose the majority of them. is that "profiling"? is...but it's also COMMON SENSE. it's not sensible, or logical, to believe that our southern border would have a problem with North Korean ILLEGAL entrants would it? any more than it would be sensible to believe that North Korea would have problems with illegal Mexican entrants. this is where the ignorance, arrogance, racism and disdain that many "activists" have is often displayed.
in my opinion, there are VERY FEW LEGITIMATE advocates for ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. if there were, they would advocate that the "immigrants" subject themselves, voluntarily, to the laws of the land to gain legitimacy...NOT advocating the breaking of our existing laws, as they do now.
I've heard the argument about "breaking up families" by deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants...NONSENSE!!! let's say i break a law, equal to illegally entering the country, should i not answer to the law? if i were to say to the judge in a court: "your honor, if you put me in prison, it will break up my family". what do you think the judge will say? i sincerely think he/she will NOT say: "Oh, OK, just don't do it again". i also think you have serious problems if you think they would "OK" what you did...
to that kind of activist i say:
you believe that ILLEGAL immigrants should not be subject to our laws and i disagree! we have the right, and authority, to enforce those laws, whether you like it or not!
why don't you just move to Mexico? (or any other country you're trying to change us into being), it's easier to do that than to change our way of life here...wouldn't it be easier for everyone concerned? get a life
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