Saturday, May 1, 2010

it's not getting any better

what do you expect?

we now have a huge controversy raging about the state of Arizona wanting to deal with ILLEGAL immigrants. California should pay VERY close attention to what's happening. after all California is dramatically impacted by the affects of ILLEGAL immigrants. after all, historically, didn't "illegal" immigrants from Spain take what is currently, Mexico, away from the native Meso-Americans by force of arms, treachery and torture? shouldn't Mexico be returned to the Meso-Americans? that makes as much sense as California being returned to Mexico...the 1852 treaty of Guadalupe Hildago separated the United States of America from Mexico whether the activist's like it or not...duhhhhh...let's use some common sense here, OK?

notice i used the term "ILLEGAL"? it seems many in today's debate over immigration cannot, are not capable of, will not, or all of the above, recognize the word "ILLEGAL" when it comes to the immigration laws of this country.

the current popular term used by many "activists", legislators and so-called, politicians, is "undocumented". but does that make them "LEGAL"? i don't think so...

it's like this: it is ILLEGAL, FOR A NON-CITIZEN, TO COME INTO THIS COUNTRY WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE GOVERNMENT. what's hard to understand about that? it is THE it or not. if you don't like it, work within the system to have it changed...but be aware..."change" may NOT be what YOU want it to be!

i watched a debate on fox news hosted by Juan Williams, sitting in for Bill O'Reilly, between a professor from Georgetown university, an American black, and a female, American Mexican activist from Arizona very pro-illegal immigrant.

in my opinion, the professor from Georgetown won the debate, hands-down! the pro-immigrant representative was arrogant, IGNORANT and obviously racist in her views and assessment of the whole situation.

why is it that the pro-immigration activists TOTALLY IGNORE the fact that no one is against LEGAL immigration? they're against ILLEGAL immigration! is that hard to understand and grasp? yet NOT ONCE do you hear them say "illegal immigrants" when dealing with the situation. there is, indeed, a BIG difference between the two in case they're not aware.

let me present this argument to you as an example...purely a hypothetical instance.

as it stands now, crossing our borders into this country, from ANY direction, south to north, west to east, east to west, north to south, by a non-citizen, thru a non-recognized/authorized, entry port, without authorization, is illegal is it not? if they do so, do they not break a law(s)? if so, should they not be subject to our laws? would it not be fair and correct to call one, a non-citizen, who enters the country thru an unauthorized place an ILLEGAL entrant/immigrant? and, again, does one who commits such an offense warrant being subject to the laws of the country they have entered ILLEGALLY?

if you can answer any of the questions presented above by saying "the laws are racially motivated" you need to read the laws! point out where is says that ANY RACE OR ETHNIC GROUP IS TO BE SORTED OUT AND DISCRIMINATED AGAINST!!!! IT'S BEEN POINTED OUT BY MANY FROM POSITIONS OF KNOWLEDGE AND AUTHORITY TO BE THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!!

I've listen to the rants of the likes of the Rev Jesse Jackson and find them to be, at the least, offensive, ignorant and biased to the highest degree.

in my observations, the ones who scream "racist" are themselves, usually, racists of the highest order; they need to "get a life" as it's said.

they also neglect to say that ILLEGAL immigrants are from many different sources, NOT just Mexico and Latin/central America. there's Russians, Chinese, Arabs, Ukrainians and many more. it just so happens that Mexicans compose the majority of them. is that "profiling"? is...but it's also COMMON SENSE. it's not sensible, or logical, to believe that our southern border would have a problem with North Korean ILLEGAL entrants would it? any more than it would be sensible to believe that North Korea would have problems with illegal Mexican entrants. this is where the ignorance, arrogance, racism and disdain that many "activists" have is often displayed.

in my opinion, there are VERY FEW LEGITIMATE advocates for ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. if there were, they would advocate that the "immigrants" subject themselves, voluntarily, to the laws of the land to gain legitimacy...NOT advocating the breaking of our existing laws, as they do now.

I've heard the argument about "breaking up families" by deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants...NONSENSE!!! let's say i break a law, equal to illegally entering the country, should i not answer to the law? if i were to say to the judge in a court: "your honor, if you put me in prison, it will break up my family". what do you think the judge will say? i sincerely think he/she will NOT say: "Oh, OK, just don't do it again". i also think you have serious problems if you think they would "OK" what you did...

to that kind of activist i say:

you believe that ILLEGAL immigrants should not be subject to our laws and i disagree! we have the right, and authority, to enforce those laws, whether you like it or not!

why don't you just move to Mexico? (or any other country you're trying to change us into being), it's easier to do that than to change our way of life here...wouldn't it be easier for everyone concerned? get a life

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