Sunday, May 2, 2010

"what you should do is..."

when i was a young man, i used to get aggravated when my dad would say that to me.

now that I'm an "old man" i see that, more often than not, my dad was right in what he was telling me "what i should do..."

"what WE, the people of these united states, should do" is sweep congress and ALL state legislatures clear and start over, starting at the white house.

we need to re-write the rules and regulations that determine what they may and may not do and above all...LIMIT THEIR TERMS, PAY AND BENEFITS DURING THEIR TENURE IN CONGRESS/SENATE/LEGISLATURES. it would require amending the constitution(s) but I'm certain our founding forefathers would approve in light of what some of these "legislators" have done to convolute the meaning and intent of the constitution. and it's been established that the founders did NOT intend for CAREER POLITICIANS/LEGISLATORS TO CONTROL CONGRESS AND THE SENATE. THEY WERE INTENDED TO SERVE ONE, OR MAYBE TWO TERMS, GO HOME AND RESUME THEIR 'OTHER' LIVES in their communities. we now have those who have spent their ENTIRE LIVES sucking the taxpayers dry. (a well known, as drunken womanizer, one who was responsible for the death of a young pregnant woman, not his wife, comes to mind as one of many.)there another "shining example" is that of a fake, mannequin looking woman that was once a 'senator' but took the position of speaker of the house. it's been published that her estate is worth at least $25 million...the above named drunken womanizer was worth at least $500 million that he KEPT OFFSHORE TO AVOID TAXES ON.

in my opinion, for what it's worth, and I'm certain I'm not the only one with this opinion, there are VERY FEW legislators that are worth the effort it took to elect them, VERY FEW.

as i see it, and, again, i don't think I'm the only one of the opinion, that there are many signs of the imminent downfall of this country. there are signs all around us...but most pay little, if any, attention to them.

one of the single most damaging signs is the push for "diversity". there are different definitions of diversity. one being; "to divide". that's what's happening here. we're being divided. the American blacks, the American Hispanics, the American natives, the American German, American Christians, American Muslims, American Arabs, etc, etc, etc...each wanting and having their own culture, language and boundaries according to their OWN desires AND by creeping ever so quietly and surely into the very fabric of our laws by way of our "do-good, feel-good" legislators and the mindless courts that support them. in one town/city in Michigan recently, the Muslim population wanted to have sharia law enacted for the town/city. in another city the mosques sing out their prayers in public daily. why, christian prayers would be forbidden if it were left to the ACLU and the likes thereof. yet these same people championing removal of all symbols of Christianity, God, our association with, the forming of national beliefs and law structure are Christian based refuse to accept that fact!

we allow legislators to appoint KNOWN, OPEN ENEMIES, such as Ruth bader Ginsberg, Sonia sotomeyer, Eric holder and Janet Reno to name just a few, over a period of time, to positions of legislative, judicial and administrative power and influence that's it's beyond belief.

we as a nation, as a culture, as a people, allow the ACLU, and other similar organizations, to attack the very fabric of our existence. the ACLU...founded by a known, admitted communist (as was Planned Parenthood) and at one time headed by non other than a now, supreme court justice, Ruth bader Ginsberg. we allow one congressman who was a former member of the KKK to remain seated...the list goes on.

we should hang our heads in shame! the KKK is alive and well in the guise of some of these people under different names!

we allow people that advocate, encourage and support abortion, even to the point of live birth abortion and not telling an underage mother-to-be's parents, drug abuse, pornography, oppression of religion and freedom of speech, press, private property ownership and ownership of firearms, to sit in those places...we elect them! what's even more astounding is we RE-elect them, too!

all too often, many, if not most legislators, spend much of their time campaigning to get RE-elected, AT THE TAX PAYERS EXPENSE! the current resident of the white house, as an example, spent the two years preceding his administration campaigning. it is a matter of public record, he spent VERY LITTLE TIME PERFORMING THE SENATORIAL JOB HE WAS ELECTED TO DO1

we allowed a moronic, ineffective, president to give away the Panama Canal and allow the radical Iranians to hold our embassy personnel, in that country, captive for over a year.

we allowed another president to allow computer technology to be sold/transferred to a country that now has the ability to shoot down our, or any, for that matter, satellites with it and began a sexual revolution, of a sort, by championing the belief that oral sex is "not really sex"...i think he believed that oral sex is when you talk about it...and to look directly into a TV camera and swear, UNDER OATH: "i did not have sex with that woman"

we really are amazing aren't we? it's amazing we've made it this far...i will truly be amazed if a criticism like this will be able to written IF we RE-elect what is in the white house now...


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