Thursday, May 13, 2010

ignorance, arrogance and lunacy

is the best way to describe the 'protesters' of the law just enacted by the state of Arizona. the law was passed in support and as a direct result of federal law passed in the late 1990's.

not ONE of the protesters I've seen interviewed, have given an intelligent answer or presented a valid, argument as to what the problem is...IF there is, indeed, a problem. the worse of the lot have been the L.A. city council rhyme nor reason in what they do...they, above all, should be able to READ THE LAW AS WRITTEN and understand it...but wait...that's expecting an awful lot of an elected official isn't it?

from what I've seen the average protester, is probably an illegal immigrant who barely reads and understand English, and doesn't want to get deported, who believes that L.A. is actually a part of "U.S. occupied Mexico"...WRONG!!!! there is a lawfully, internationally recognized, political, border that is NOT being respected.

i believe that L.A. should be boycotted...after all...L.A. is one of the leading cause of much of the nations gang related problems isn't it? they don't seem to be able to control it either.

the ignorant, stone age level, legislators pass laws for the whole state because of what goes on in L.A. gangs.

in the end, the wonderful state of Arizona may suffer some financial damages as a result of the ignorance, arrogance and lunacy of the racists who're calling for boycotts of that state, but they'll recover and go on, or they may not be hurt at all...

you can bet, this has strengthened my resolve to avoid L.A. anyway i can...they are, after all, calling for disobedience of law. it has just been added to my list of place to stay away from along with San Francisco and new york city

i, for one, would have been an Arizona resident if it were not for financial restraints. however, if this state ever decides to secede, we will relocate there.

to the City of L.A city council and mayor, what's his name?.... i give them the "razzberry" of contempt they so richly deserve...they're ignorant, arrogant, racist numb-skulls.

to the state of Arizona...i say..."GO ARIZONA!!!" don't be swayed by one of the worse places on planet earth!

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