Thursday, May 20, 2010


it becomes very clearly and obviously how STUPID AND IGNORANT so many are today.

all you have to do is to watch and listen them to see how phony, IGNORANT, STUPID and insincere they are.

if the current occupant of the white house can't finish a sentence without an "uh" or stammering between phrases..what does that tell me? among other things...he should not be where he's at...period. (and look at his selection as VP...that verifies that statement does it not?)

this "meeting" with the prez of Mexico was a historical SHAM...we now have to be subjected to the politics of the government of Mexico. quite frankly, i don't give a damn if they do not approve of the Arizona law! they don't have to like it...they just need to respect it and abide by it when 'they' come here! what part of that do 'they' not understand? They would cry their eyes out if we tried to interfere with their laws, would they not?

Mexico is a lesson of what a nation should NOT be! it's known throughout the world to have one of the most corrupt and ineffective governments in the world. the only thing that keeps it afloat as a sovereign nation is the tourism and the U.S. enabling illegal immigration from within it's borders to flood north into the U.S. and send 30 billion dollars a year back there from the other words: the U.S. is 'propping up' Mexico...

Mexico's history is similar to ours and is interwoven in many ways with ours and i think if one investigates thoroughly, they would find that the history of Mexico is so bloody it makes ours look tame by comparison.

every thing in Mexico has been accomplished by way of bloody revolution (remember Poncho Villa?) or conquest now the drug cartels are challenging the very existence of a central government that is in control. the "severed head" policy is now not uncommon in the streets of Mexico and it's spilling over into the U.S. because the U.S. government REFUSES to enforce the existence our sovereign borders. (it's odd that you hear very little, or nothing, of illegal immigration INTO Mexico isn't it?)

the Aztec, Mayatec, Toltec, Mayan, Olmec, to name a few, Indians were unbelievably cruel and bloody...history verifies this if you'll look. (some morons at SDSU protested the Aztec mascot recently and had it changed...they ignored the bloody and cruel history of the Aztec arrogantly and openly.)

the Spaniards conquered these cultures and nations by way of deceit, cruelty, force of arms and bloody wars did they not? come on now...admit it...that is what happened wasn't it?

again, review your history. didn't Spain cede California to the U.S. as the result of a war fought between them in the late 1840's and sign a treaty ceding California to the U. S. in 1852 in the treaty of Guadalupe Hildago?

what makes someone believe Mexico has a claim on California as it being "occupied Mexico"? they gave it up!!!! it's that simple...accept it...get over it! they lost a war...that was one of the consequences of loss was it not?

if you want to follow that logic, then Mexico must be returned to Spain, then Spain should return it to the Mezo-Americans...right? after all, that is what's "politically correct" is it not? oh, wait...could it be that there may not be enough Mezo-Americans left because they were killed off by the Mexican government? nahhhhh...could it be?

now maybe you can see what i base my idea of "IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY AND ARROGANCE" on...

if you believe Mexico still owns a part of the U.S. you have a're either IGNORANT or STUPID, OR BOTH! both of which can lead to being ARROGANT!

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