Sunday, May 9, 2010

the time is past...or is it?

we, as a nation, have past our 'prime' and are now in the grinding, down hill decent into national oblivion. it's not a matter of "if" we fade into the pages of history as "once the greatest power on earth", it's when. i believe that current conditions, mostly of a political nature, point to that.

it is my belief, that soon, one or more state will secede from the union...sound familiar? can you say "civil war?", probably Arizona, Texas or Montana since they seem to be spearheading movements that defy the Marxist administration now on capitol hill. California? nonsense...California is under the control of illegal immigrants, homosexuals and feminists...they would not dare defy the Marxist in Washington D.C. at the time.

it began, in my opinion, at the involvement in the war in Vietnam.

Vietnam gave birth to the "hell no we won't go", "burn the bra", "drugs, sex and rock and roll", the civil rights movement, to name a few movements that sprang up during that 18 year involvement. that's right...i said 18 years...figure it out. the United states stepped into Vietnam almost immediately after the French withdrew. approximately 1957, the first American military "advisors" were sent to Vietnam; the last American personnel were evacuated from the American embassy in Saigon in 1975. you do the math. i know the math to be very nearly correct as i was involved over there in 1962 in the U.S. Army.

a few sobering, staggering, facts to relate us to history involving wars and their statistical numbers we have been involved in and associated with:

more (or at least, very nearly) are killed on the highways of this nation YEARLY than were killed in the entire 18 years course of the war in Vietnam. there was half as many soldiers killed on the last day of WWI, Nov 11, 1918, as were killed in the five years if the war in Iraq. the French, alone, lost six-million men in WWI. there were an estimated 55 million people killed, world wide, in WWII. Joseph Stalin killed 25 million Russians during his reign of terror, chairman Mao killed about the same number of his own Chinese people. nearly a million people perished in the siege of Stalingrad during WWII. Hitler murdered six million Jews, alone...that does not count the people he was responsible for in occupying, or invading, i should say, other nations, either. if you doubt these statistics, look them up...the information is highly visible and available for the asking.

the draft was abolished. a move, i believe, accelerated the downward spiral we're in.

think about it...we now have at least one generation of Americans that have not served their country, MILITARILY. they've not undergone the experience of military discipline, demands, needs and training that so benefit a person. as a result approximately 97% of our legislative entities don't understand what it's like to be in military service to our nation that is so vital it cannot be described. they have no idea what it's like to be out there in a bad situation where at any given moment you may be ordered to do something that may end in the taking of a life...maybe your own. or, for that matter, you may be in the position to have to give that order that may take life.

if you're getting the picture that i have very little faith in our leadership, you'd be right.

you see...i believe they're the ones directly responsible for us being where we're at now and i know that, beyond any shadow of a doubt, they'll, thru the abuse of their power, be our demise as a nation.

we, the voter, have allowed these legislative bodies to become so "politically correct" that they're now obsessed to the point of not allowing us to 'win' for fear of "offending" an enemy. as an example, we were killing Iraqi soldiers by burying them alive in their trenches if they refused to surrender and put up a fight, but a soldier would be punished for calling them a "raghead"...and, they'd certainly better not be swearing at, or cursing them while engaging them in a fight...make sense? not at all...common sense tells me that to kill someone is the biggest "offense" one can commit against another...that seems to evade our leadership for some reason. in other words: it's OK to kill them...just don't "offend" them in any way during the process...

what i would call "offensive" is: "should you meet an infidel who will not convert, smite his neck with a sword" and "a Jew is no better than a pig or goat and should be treated as such"...if you do not know the origin of those sayings...then look them's a hint: it been called the "religion of peace and love" and "an honorable religion" by a, recent, past president.

we...have a BIG problem...

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