Sunday, May 23, 2010

having just read a copy

of the letter sent to mayor Villiagrosa and the city council of L.A. i am greatly encouraged.

i see, hear and understand the citizens of Arizona will not stand for the Nazi, racist, Marxist, idiotic, tactics taken by the morons in Los Angeles city council.

these people show their TRUE idiocy whenever a situation like this arises; without failure!

they're really so shallow in their narrow minded perspectives so as to say..."I'm being picked on 'cuz I'm an ILLEGAL Mexican immigrant."

if i violate a city ordinance of the city of L.A., or any other city, for that matter, am i not subject to the laws and ordinances if i am caught? they expect me to be face 'justice' do they not? why don't they expect the same from ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?

what makes them think that being here ILLEGALLY should be overlooked? WARPED, illogical, racist, THINKING...that's what. sick, sick, convoluted individuals.

in their sick, sick minds they think that protesting will make it just "go away" and all will be OK.

to the state of Arizona i say: "PULL THE PLUG ON THE ELECTRICITY"...let them tape their "BOOM-BOX" stereo and Lo-rider batteries together for power...

to L.A. city council i say: "get a life morons...make your own power and get your own water!"

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